Chapter 6

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•~Time skip ~• ~Monday~

*Jonathans pov*
Over the weekend, I was thinking about breaking up with Amber. I didn't know how she was going to take it, but it needed to be done. It was Monday which meant another day at school. I was happy to see y/n and my new friends. During the weekend when y/n moved here, Kyle, Tyler, Brian, David, Lui, Evan, y/n, and I became good friends. I was happy that we all became friends. When I was done getting ready, I heard a knock on my room door. I went to check who it was, and who I saw shocked me. It was Amber. She looked mad and sad at the same time. She hugged me tightly, which made me feel bad about what I was going to do today. I sighed as I broke the hug. "Jonathan I'm so sorry for what happened on Friday. I didn't mean to call y/n a slut, I was just worried you were gonna leave me for her." She apologized to the wrong person. I didn't know what to do at this point. I wanted to forgive Amber, but on the other hand, I wanted to spend more time with y/n. I had to think about it but Amber kissed me on the lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck, which made me wrap my arms around her waist. I broke the kiss and pulled away from Amber. She gave me a sweet smile, which in return, I gave one back. After that kiss, I just decided to give Amber another shot. We went downstairs and saw my dad in the living room. He saw us and smiled. He got up and followed us outside. I felt embarrassed about not driving to school myself. Then I remembered that y/n can drive which made me upset because she can basically do whatever she wanted. Amber kissed my cheek which made me smile again. I figured I made a good choice of staying with Amber. I didn't want to be with someone who got whatever she wanted. When we arrived at school, I saw Kyle, Tyler, and Brian get out of y/ns car. Then y/n came out and locked her doors. I saw Evan chase after them which caused me to get more upset because he saw me and just ran to y/n and them. I felt betrayed by him because instead of hanging out with me and my girl, he went to go hangout with the new girl and her friends. I just rolled my eyes and put an arm around Ambers shoulder and kissed the side of her head. We walked in the school and people were starting to back away. Then a guy came and pulled Amber out of my grip. I glared at them and went up to the guy pulling him away from Amber. She was trying to push me away which made me look at her in confusion. "Amber what're you doing?" "Leave Jake alone Jonathan! He's my friend!" I wasn't jealous or anything but I didn't want my girlfriend to have any guy friends. Especially since she won't let me be friends with y/n. I just walked away and went to class early. As I got to history, I heard laughing. It was the same beautiful laugh that made me get butterflies in my stomach and made my heart beat faster. It was y/ns laugh. I entered the room to see her, Kyle, and Evan sitting together. Y/n was between Evan and Kyle. They all stopped laughing and looked at me. Y/n looked at me then looked down. She whispered something to Kyle which caused them to get up and leave the room. I wondered why they left. I was mostly curious about what she told Kyle. I sighed as I went to sit on the opposite side of where they were sitting. Evan got up and went to go out in the hall. When he opened the door, I heard someone crying. Curious, I got up and went to go check who it was. It was her, y/n was the one crying. I didn't want to be a burden so I went back to the classroom. I thought to myself, 'Did I make her cry?' I could feel my heart drop as I went back to sit down. Evan came in and grabbed their things. I got up to talk to him, but he glared at me. He passed by and nudged my shoulder. I didn't understand why he was pissed off at me. I didn't do anything to him or y/n. I ignored it because it wasn't my problem. As the class went by, it felt like there were a lot of eyes on me. I stopped walking and saw that almost everyone in the hallway were staring. When I looked at them, they all started looking away. Today was going to end up being a weird day I could tell. When it was lunch time, I sat down at the table where y/n was sitting at on her first day. I put my head down trying to figure out why y/n was crying earlier. My thoughts were interrupted by Amber walking towards me. I sighed and got up. I didn't want to deal with her bullshit right now. I started walking away from the table and went a different direction. She started chasing after me which caused me to run. It was like a horror movie where the psycho girlfriend hunts her boyfriend so he won't leave her. I ran out of breath as I was by the music room. I looked inside and there was nobody here. I went inside and sat down. I wasn't having the best day. It was weird. When the bell rang, I decided to leave school grounds. I quickly ran out the exit door in the music room. I didn't know where to go so I just went to a park. When I got to the park, I heard a group of people laughing. I didn't want to bug them so I kept walking until I heard y/ns laugh. Hearing her laugh with Evan and them hurt me. It broke my heart to even see her with Evan. I sighed as I kept walking. I guess this is what I get for being with Amber. I was just walking around until I heard someone say my name. I turned to see Amber running after me. 'Did she seriously follow me here?' I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. She approached me and slapped my face. I pushed her away from me causing her to fall on the ground. "What the fuck Amber?! Why'd you slap me?!" "You took off running you dumb piece of shit! Who runs away from their girlfriend?!" I didn't know how to answer her so I stayed quiet. She held out her hand for help but I just scoffed and walked away. I noticed she had a big hickey on her neck. I guess Jake's more than a friend. I walked down the little hill that was at the park. What I saw was going to haunt me forever. I saw Evan kissing y/n. I felt my face heat up as I clenched my fists. I went up to them and pushed Evan off of y/n. I started throwing punches at Evan. He fought back. Y/n tried to stop us but couldn't stop us. We kept throwing punches at each other while y/n still tried to stop us. I was about to throw another punch until I heard a scream. I stopped hitting Evan and got off of him. I turned around slowly to see y/n holding her face. She had small tears in her eyes so I ran to her trying to help her. She pushed me away and stood up. Kyle went up to her observing her face. She turned around and faced me. She glared at me and started shoving me. "What the hell Jonathan!? You hit y/n!! She has a huge black eye now and its swollen and bleeding!" I looked over Kyles head and saw David and Lui helping Evan and y/n. Her right eye was swollen. It bled whenever a tear fell. I felt so bad. I hurt y/n. And it was all because of Evan. I started crying. Tyler came towards me and patted my shoulder. "Look dude, she's not dating Evan it was a dare. I know you like her. It's obvious that you do. But look what you did, you hit her. Now we have to take her home. Sorry dude. Maybe things will be better in the future between you two. Well, see you later Jonathan." I just sat there thinking about what just happened. I've never cried this much before. I started walking home with tears streaming down my cheeks.

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