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To JadeDragon24 , who has a love for the Second Chance stories. I hope you like this one just as much! 😊


The smell of eggs and sausage pull me from my sleep, along with the scent of pancakes and coffee...

Still half asleep, I roll out of bed and start padding towards the source. My oversized red t-shirt almost covering my black sleep shorts completely. The wood floor is cold to my bare feet, and I yawn as I push my messy hair from in front of my face, the bedhead is real this morning. I'm definitely going to need at least ten minutes to comb it out. Walking into the kitchen, I halt to a stop at the sight in front of me.

A handsome, shirtless Dakota cooking breakfast. His long hair is pulled into a hair tie that I let him borrow, the soft locks pulled over his shoulder. His back faces me, giving me a good look at the black wing tattoos starting from his broad shoulders, and down his muscular back to his hips with the sweatpants hanging low on them.

Oh Goddess, I think I'm drooling.

"Are you just going to stare, Flower? Or are you going to eat?"

His deep voice snaps me from my ogling, and I look up to meet his dark brown eyes, which are equally ogling me back...making me a little bit self-conscious. I nervously go to try to smooth out my wild hair, and the sound of his throaty chuckle brings a flush of embarrassment to my cheeks.

"Don't be embarrassed Flower, it's a good look on you..."

Something in his voice makes me shiver, and I search for anything that could distract me from his presence, which in itself is difficult. He's much taller than I originally thought now that he's been standing next to me. I flick my eyes towards his large hands...another mistake since he's turned around, his bare chest facing me instead of his back.

"Is something the matter little one? You're awfully red."

His tone is both concerned and teasing, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was smirking right now.

And who's fault is that?

I think to myself as Aurora stirs awake, and the sight of Dakota in front of us sends her purring, much to my embarrassment. I just know he heard it, Goddess he's going to think I'm a horny she wolf if I keep behaving like this.

~Well...we kind of are. Just look at him.~

The sound of Aurora's quiet voice surprises me. She honestly doesn't talk too much, I can feel her emotions and understand them, but she usually doesn't talk unless she needs to. But since we've been in Dakota's presence, she talked a whole lot more.


I jump at the feeling of a hand on my cheek, the warm tingles that erupt anytime me and this man touch blooming wildly under my skin. He tilts my chin upwards, bringing my gaze back to his. His intense stare turns me impossibly redder, and the softest of growls comes from his smirking mouth.

"Your wolf is showing Flower."

Surprised, I frantically feel along my head to figure out what he means, thinking it was my ears...and then when I found my normal human ones, I thought maybe he meant a tail. Before I could check for that though, he laughs and grabs my hands. An amused smile brightening his face as laughter rumbles deeply from his chest.

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