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The first thing I notice upon waking up is how my head hurts, the pain throbbing in my temples like bongo drums...

What happened?

My ears catch the sounds of muted voices, and a soft beeping noise coming from further away. But I'm more focused on the feeling of someone holding my hand, the warm sparks letting me know it's Dakota.

I finally pry my eyes open to see harsh lights above me, which makes me groan as it only intensifies my headache.

"Fleura? Sweetheart?" My mates voice calls softly, and his worried face appears above me...thankfully blocking out the bright lights.

"Dakota? What's going on? Where am I?" I murmur, and he he sighs in obvious relief.

"I brought you to the pack doctor, you really scared me Flower..." He explains, and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Why? What happened?" I ask, my memory a bit fuzzy. I slowly sit up despite his protests, which makes my head a bit swirly.

"You don't remember? You passed out at the pack house, you've been out for two hours..."

His words seem to trigger my memory, how I had a sudden onslaught of dizziness before my vision went black...I don't even remember hitting the ground...

"Fleura! You're awake! Are you alright?"  A loud voice calls to me, and I look up to see Jessica coming through the door. She goes around Dakota to give me a fierce hug, and I sigh in relief after she lets me go...the girl is strong, I'll give her that.

"I'm fine...my head just hurts..." I answer.

"I bet it does, you hit it pretty hard when you fell to the floor." She says, and I wince again as the throbbing returns with a vengeance.

"Where does it hurt Flower?" Dakota murmurs.

"My temples..." I whimper, and he immediately places his hands on my temples, massaging them gently in circular motions...not only does his actions and touch alleviate the pain, but it feels really good...making my cheeks flush red with embarrassment as I try to remember we have an audience.

"Better?" He murmurs, and I nod shyly.

"You two are just the cutest couple!" Jess giggles, and my face reddens even more.

"Jessica, please stop embarrassing my mate...that's my job." Dakota chuckles, and I barely resist the urge to hide my face in his chest.

"My apologies Dakota, I forgot how much you enjoy doing that." She giggles, and I pout a little at my mates satisfied grin.

"As adorable as you look Flower, don't pout...you know I love you." He murmurs, his brown eyes staring deeply into mine as our foreheads touch....my heart racing at his words. I already know that he does...he's just never said it directly...

Then again...neither have I...

"You're always teasing me..." I mumble, "But I love you too..."

A purr rumbles in his chest as he smiles down at me, sparks dancing across my face as he cups my cheek...

"Awwww!!"Jess squeals excitedly, startling us from our moment. I had honestly forgotten she was here...

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