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It's time for a new chapter!!! Above is what Dakota and Fleura's home looks like. Enjoy!!"


To say I am extremely nervous is an understatement.

Sitting in the passenger seat of Dakota's truck, I anxiously play with my hair. It was a week before we left Minnesota because I had to sell my ancient truck, and once I finally did that, Dakota helped me pack up my personal possessions from the house I was renting. Now after a day of traveling, we're only an hour away from Dakota's pack in Missouri, the Starry Creek pack consisting of the entire state as their territory...

200 wolves...so many new faces...

As the truck stops at a red light, Dakota's hand rests gently on my skirt covered knee, and I look up to see him gazing at me.

"You don't need to be nervous Flower, they will love you."

I avert my gaze shyly, a blush undoubtedly on my face. I wish I wasn't so bashful around him, it would probably make things easier for the both of us if I wasn't. So, after a bit of deliberation, I reach for his hand and lay mine on top of it...the pleasant feeling of warm tingling in my palm making my cheeks hotter. I hear his slight rumble of approval, so he must have liked it as well...I do remember him enjoying when I touched his cheek in the park that day...and when I played with his hair yesterday and this morning, braiding the long locks in a thick braid. Which much to my surprise, he actually liked, and kept after insisting that he loved it.

Peeking at him from the corner of my eye, I watch the wind that's coming through the rolled down windows blow through the loose strands that were too short to stay in place. His soft smile accentuates the dimple on his chin, and the light reflecting in eyes turn them from  dark brown to a whiskey color...so pretty...

"I can feel your beautiful eyes on me Flower, if you want to sit closer you can, you don't have to ask."

He murmurs as he turns the truck onto the next road, and I drop my gaze again.

Come on Fleura, you can do this.

Taking a reassuring breath, I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt on the passenger seat and slide over to the middle seat, buckling that seatbelt on before I can change my mind. I lean into Dakota's side, and he moves his hand from my knee to drape his right arm over my shoulders...that purring sound rumbling louder as his fingers absentmindedly twirl my hair.

"I think you're going to love the pack land Flower, rivers run through the territory, and there are meadows full of wildflowers and a clearing that has a pond full of water lilies and fish. My home...actually our home now..."

His eyes flicker to me for a moment before going back to the road, but his broad smile remains. I can see the happiness in his eyes, and I can feel the simultaneous swell of happiness in my chest at the idea of sharing a home with him.

"Well, our home has a river practically in the backyard, and even though it is close to the pack house, it's set off so it's more private. My mom, and sisters live nearby too, so we can have visits with each other."

It sounds wonderful, and since he told me about his family I've wondered what they were like. He's shown me pictures and told me stories, but I still wonder what they are like in person.

The girls are actually 12 year old triplets, which is apparently rare in werewolves. Twins aren't uncommon, but triplets are.

Rain is the oldest by two minutes, she's fond of painting and drawing, and is very adventurous. Always has paint on her hands or on her face, and she likes to paint abstract over realistic.

The Lone WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon