Chapter 3

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After a couple of minutes of agonizing staring coming from his part, he seems to tune back into the lesson intently, pushing his glasses back up his nose and that was the last time he ever really stared at me the way he had during this period.

I had reached my abilities out towards him again hesitantly, only to be kind of disappointed when the momentary interest was completely gone... and the fact that I was disappointed making me confused and angry.

After a boring fourth period of PE, I had lunch.

Luckily I could just follow after the flow of people that came out of fourth period to the lunch room. Which was huge.

The lunch room is filled with so many people, and I can actually feel my anxiety amping up when I can't find Ally anywhere. Sure, there are tons of seats open, but what she told me in the halls leads me into thinking how many of those seats are already taken.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch and turn around. Being shocked again, made a chain reaction to go along with me.

For all the students that are already in the lunch line, and holding trays filled with food, the trays get knocked right out of their hands at the same time. Food flies in the air and lands on the ground in a huge mess.

Ally's eyes are wide as she stares over at the lunch line, where students go crazy. They laugh at one another, some are open mouthed and shocked, some that i noticed from my english class - which is just great - give each other knowing looks.

Crap. I need to work on my self control.

"Uh-um... that was weird..." I mumble, chuckling painfully as Ally turns to look at me with a shocked look.

"Charlie, I really think this high school is haunted, I mean... First the papers and now this?" She crosses her arms, glaring over at the lunch line with a shake of her head.

I swallow nervously, my hands fidgeting at my sides. "Uh yeah, haunted maybe," I mumble with my voice shaking and Ally gives me a weird look before sighing.

"Come on, my table is this way." She takes my wrist, leading me away from the lunch line towards a table right smack in the middle of the room.

Two people are already sitting down, and one I notice. "Hey guys, I have a new friend here for us."

They're two students, a boy and a girl. It's the boy from choir, and the girl is a pretty African American. She has curly hair tied in a top bun with pretty dark eyes gazing at me warily.

"Charlie, this is Cora and Angel."

Angel? The nerd she was talking about?

Wow. Angel's attractive.

I really want to be confused about why I keep saying that in my head. I mean, I find Ally to be attractive as well, but that never came up as much as Angel does. But maybe it's the fact that i've never really been around other people other than my family members. Now that i'm actually walking and talking to other people, my brain and emotions are on basically over-drive.

Oh she's pretty, he's good looking, oh wow she's cute.

How obnoxious.

Angel is way to focused on his computer to realize we have come up to the table. He looks like he's working on something important, his fingers typing away and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"Angel!" Ally shouts, slamming the computer shut but Angel was expecting that, and whips his hands out of the way before she could break them.

He gives Ally a glare. "What?"

Charlie (UNREVISED)Where stories live. Discover now