Chapter 22

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"Owww it burns..."

"Well i'm constantly rubbing it on your skin to get the makeup off, you baby."

I sit on Angel's bed, yet again staying the night as his parents have another two day meeting downtown, and Angel's on a mission to get all this makeup off my face, standing in the middle of my legs and holding my face up to keep me from moving.

"I have sensitive skin..." I whine childishly and Angel scoffs.

"Trust me, I know," he states, poking me in the side with his free hand and making me yelp and lay back onto the bed in shock.

"Stop moving!" He shouts, getting on top of me to straddle my waist, leaning down and forcing my eyes shut to get the eyeshadow off and I groan loudly.

"Why can't I do it?!"

"Because you'd do a half-assed job."

"... Mmm..."

Angel giggles from above me, making me grin and I finally obey and lay still as he continues to take off the eyeshadow, both of us going silent for a while until he breaks it.

"Can you tell me more about your time being homeschooled? Where did you live?"

I tense but keep my cool, rolling my eyes. "I honestly don't know what you want me to tell you. There's nothing exciting for me to say."

Angel lifts himself, grinning down at me and my eyes widen at how fake it looks.

"I know. I just want you to know that I'm very aware you're lying."

I blink, not knowing how to react in fear of making the situation worse. How did this happen? Can moods change this rapidly? Why he suddenly telling me this? We've already had multiple fights over me keeping things from him.

"Charlie, I don't know what happened in your past. I don't know if it was good or bad or why you think you need to keep it from me. But you can trust me."

"I know I can trust you."

"No, you don't. And that's okay. I can wait. I just wanted to let you know I was aware, so you can start noticing that you really can tell me anything."

I stare up at him as Angel grins again. "Now that that's out of the way. Want to play a board game?"

September 26th, 2017

It's the day of the football game, including the homecoming dance.

I think the word nervous is a bit of an understatement for what i'm feeling right now.

And I suppose i'm not hiding it very well, cause as we begin to walk to the school, Angel and Cora on either side of me, they begin go chuckle and laugh, making me scoff.

"What's so funny?" I ask, irritated that they think my panicked face is something comical.

"You're worrying over nothing, doll face. Yes, there will be a ton of people there, but it's just a football game. We sit and watch."

"It's going to be so loud..."

"Don't worry. If it gets to be too much, we can leave early and chill back at my house, yes?" Angel questions, grinning over to me and I nod, smiling right back.


"And that doesn't give you permission to leave just because you like the idea. Let's stay for at least an hour."

I chuckle, nodding again and we come up to the high school, people crowding around the outside even though the football stadium is a couple yards away.

Charlie (UNREVISED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang