Chapter 18

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The day went on without any fuss or moves from the cheerleaders, but I did find myself getting whispered about and the glances sent my way made me on edge. But what's really funny is the slight glare I got from Leah when I happened to see her once getting water.

What is up with that girl? No clue. I don't get any seriously bad vibes from her yet, and i'm actually starting to doubt my theory on her being the one to look out for.

I could have been wrong, I really could have.

The bell for the end of the day rings and I sigh in relief. I get up, beginning to quickly pack my bags before stepping out into the hallway's and down the steps where Angel waits.

He smiles up at me and I grin back, even more relieved when he looks okay.

I hop down next to him. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask quickly and Angel chuckles, nodding.

"A lot better actually. The lunch you made me filled me up well."

I grin wide, setting my hands on my hips and nodding. "I thought it would! I'm the best at making sandwiches."

Angel raises an eyebrow, smirking. "Sandwiches aren't that hard to make."

"Let me have my victory."

Angel rolls his eyes as he loops his arm through mine, beginning to walk down the hall. "Whatever, doll face. We got to hurry, we don't want to be late for our play date with the flower kids."

"You guys can't keep calling them that."

"What do you mean? It sounds nice!"

I stop, turning to look down the hallway towards the gym.

"Aren't we going to get Leah?" I ask, tilting my head at Angel who hesitates before frowning.

"No... She can walk herself. Plus I have plans, don't I?"

A bright smile makes it's way on my face and Angel looks away. "You might make me go blind with how much you're glowing right now."

"Shut up, come on!" I yell excitedly, taking his elbow and pulling him towards the entrance where my mother's car waits.

We race down the front steps, and I hop into the drivers seat as Angel hops in the back.

"Hey-Oh, hello again Angel," my mother says, a little tense but she's not shocked. I told her we would be driving Angel with us and she seemed okay with it.

Angel looks down at his hands guiltily, taking a small breath. "Hello..." He mutters and my mother glances at me before giving a calm smile.

"How was your day today? Relaxing I hope, I heard you and Charlie didn't go yesterday."

Angel lifts his head, a little alarmed. "I'm so sorry I kept him away, I thought he kept saying-"

"Oh trust me, I get it." My mother starts the car, beginning to drive down the street with a small smile on her face as we head to Celebration Station. "Charlie is my son. He can be very persuasive when he wants to be, not to mention stubborn. He gets it from his father."

Angel swallows and I shift uncomfortably in my seat at the nervous emotions I get from him.

"About Mr. Davis... Is he mad at me?"

My mother doesn't speak for a second, her hands clenching around the wheel before relaxing and she sighs. "David is very emotional. He's really sensitive to the ones he loves..."

My mother glances at me again and I don't meet her gaze, staring out the window and wishing I could throw myself out the door.

"He's a little upset, yes. You used Charlie's gift against him."

Charlie (UNREVISED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora