Chapter 3

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"How could you have let this happen?" David Cruz growled pissed.

He turned to face Markos once his wife and daughter had left the office. David was thankful their son Mateo had already gone to his elementary school, so they were alone. He had planned to discuss plans with Markos but after hearing Valentina's story, her safety had now taken priority. His family always came first even if it didn't seem like that to his kids. Their job was too dangerous to involve them, the less they knew the safer they stayed.

"Long time no see to you too old friend," Markos said sarcastic and picked up a family photo from a shelf. "You've been busy since we've last met"

"A lot happens in 24 years. Why didn't you tell me you were back in town?"

"I wanted to surprise you, was going to ask your daughter where I could but, she got pretty...feisty" Markos spat remembering her kneeing him.

David narrowed his eyes at Markos frowning, he'd say stay away from his daughter, but he trusted Markos. Not to mention from the angered expression on his face he was sure Valentina had made sure things never got too far.

"Why'd you come back?"

"There was nothing for me at home anymore, and I hear you're having a little problem," Markos said shrugging.

David wanted to ask but despite them being close 24 years was really a long time. You couldn't just ask personal questions like that right after seeing each other again. Jaw clenched he turned away from Markos eyes closed.

"The killings haven't gotten too frequent but they're letting humans see them now, and Valentina saw one last night"

"David, I almost had it, but it turned on me once I fired. I barely made it out of there with my arm intact" Markos replied his Russian accent thick in his voice.

He touched his shoulder where the ghost of an injury remained, unfortunately, he'd have the scar to remember but it only fueled his hatred for the wolf that attacked him. Had it not been for a healing solution his team back at home had supplied him with he'd surely have lost his arm last night. David only continued to glare at him heated.

"Why was a wolf even near my daughter in the first place? She has no business in our world" David spat angrily.

"I wouldn't know, but she got out of there fast enough," Markos said smirking and recalling how quickly she drove.

It was an inconvenience to have to leave the scene once the ambulance arrives, but he couldn't explain his injuries being so fresh and healing almost as soon. Or the fact he had a gun loaded with silver bullets.

"You should know that the wolf wasn't attacking her, it let her touch it. Or at least she was about to" Markos told him shoving his hands in his pockets.

David looked at him wide-eyed at the news of an un-attacking wolf and the hatred only filled his eyes once again. He couldn't tell this to Lara since shed only be livid, more so than he was now.

"I want you to watch her every move, keep it away from her," he said coldly jabbing a finger in Markos direction.

"I am not here to play bodyguard David I came to discuss business with you, the team in Dakota are demanding more supplies and bodies. They're seeing the start of an infestation" he told David.

Markos was unaffected by David's anger having faced it many times before. He knew David better than most others in their business, when it came to his family he could get distracted. Such as putting one of his best hunters on bodyguard duty just for his daughter. But when faced with the facts he'll focus back on the mission at hand. Lara was also good at staying on task, but she left to drop their daughter at school.

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