Authors Note

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Let me tell you when I was these last few chapters, it was 5 am, I was sleep deprived but I was inspired like a mofo. It was exhilarating and this is my first completed and published book somewhere. I was so proud of myself!! I'm so grateful for those of you that have stuck with me during this story, especially during its early time here on Wattpad, and those who have offered critiques to make this story better. The ending was nothing like I first imagined but books tend to change when they take on a life for themselves.

For now, Mason and Valentina's story is done. Will a sequel happen? We'll see if you guys wish for it hard enough lol. Also if I brainstorm some ideas after my next two w.i.p's.  I'd love if you guys could share your joy of Escaping Duty with others by recommending it, I really want others to enjoy Mason and Valentina's story as much as we did. Some MVP's I'd like to mention who have been there since day one and until the end with love are:



Words really can't describe how thankful I was for you guys.

I'm always writing so if you'd like to see more of my works don't be afraid to look at my profile. As I upload this I'm already about half or a third of the way done with my next work Tainted, so keep that eye out for a new story. Love and kisses from Sayonara_A!

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