f i f t y - f o u r

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Alright so that high school story I was contemplating writing probably won't happen. After thinking a plot through it really wasn't anything special or even interesting. So PLEASE COMMENT WHICH YOU WOULD RATHER READ!!

1) A story beginning after Harry and the main character break up, sort of how they solve their problems and get back together, etc.

2) Harry and main character are best friends, but not in that whole cliche way. The storyline of them "finding each-other" would not at all be like other "i fell in love with my best friend" stories. Very different!!

comment which you would rather read and ALSO!

i know you all hate me for not writing smut in summit lol. but, if anyone really wants it and wants to WRITE it, message me and maybe i'll put it back in some old chapters if someone was willing to write it (and then for my future stories) just
let me know!

enjoy this chapter but please comment about which story you'd rather read!


sunday, february 25th, 2018
10:32 am

I grab my face towel off the handle bar of the bike, grab my water bottle and thank the instructor as I walk out the door of my spin class. I feel gross but also good, got out a lot of built up emotions from this week.

Work was a bitch this week, and my boss basically set me up to fail on a project. What the fuck kind of boss does that? Regardless, I still love what I do, so fuck asshole men in power.

The only thing getting me through the week is that Harry comes home next week! I was hoping he'd be able to come home for a day or two so we could go look at that house, but apparently he can't. I feel so lonely in his house and I'm just bored all the time. I've been hanging out with friends more than usual, but still I find myself alone in that big house eating avocado toast for dinner every night. Sort of complaining, but also sort of not complaining.

I pull out my phone to text Beth since we're meeting for brunch, but before I text her I see a text from Reid Collins.

Reid: Hey. It's Reid. Harry's basically done with all the music, not sure if he's told you but the songs are great. We've got shit to do probably until Thursday, but Alec and I were thinking maybe you could come down here Friday and surprise him? He's been working super hard and he talks about you non-stop, so it seems fitting. Lmk.

Jamaica, with Harry. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

When I first got my job I knew that the whole being able to work from home thing would come in handy sometime. That sometime is now.

Me: 100% yes!!

Reid: Awesome! Flights on us, we'll send you the info.

Me: Thanks so much, Reid!! See u guys Friday!

That'll definitely get me through this shit week. I probably look like an idiot walking out of the gym with a giant smile on my face, but I don't care. I'm gonna see Harry, and we're gonna be in fucking Jamaica together! With the smile still plastered on my face, I text Beth and tell her I'm on my way to breakfast.

"Oh my fucking god, do you remember when you blacked out at... who's party was that?" Beth laughs and then turns serious, trying to think of the name.

"Dana Wilds" I say, and she claps. She starts to laugh again, and I try not to. That might've been the worst night of my life, and if Beth weren't there who knows what would've happened to me.

"Okay, yes, Dana. You were so fucked up and I remember I was gonna get with Matt and we literally walked into a bedroom and you were sprawled across the bed passed out." Beth reminds me. Not that I remember that night at all. The only good thing that night brought to me was my future drinking. I never ever drank that much again and I was (still am) much more careful when I drink.

"Isn't it weird we used to just go out like every night, and now we just drink wine alone at our homes?"

"It's called graduating college, Em." Beth laughs. "Jesus, was that party like three years ago?" I nod and her eyes widen. "Feels like fucking yesterday. I miss it."

"I don't." I laugh, and she rolls her eyes. "Anyways, do you have a swim suit I can borrow? I feel like all of mine are ugly."

"Fuck you for going to Jamaica. Not fair." She huffs. I just smile at the thought of being with Harry, I can't fucking wait.

"Doesn't answer my question."

"My boobs are bigger than yours, I don't know how well that'll work out."

"Well, like, what about the ones you tie?"

"We can go back to my place and look I guess." She suggests, and I nod. "If you bring me with you."

"I'll just let you go with Harry, I'll stay."

"Honestly, yeah you should probably do that." Beth says with a serious face. "I think as your best friend I need to be better friends with Harry than I am- Jamaica's a perfect opportunity." She's obviously just being Beth, but she does have a good point. I would love for Harry to be closer with my friends because most the time we're together, it's usually just us two alone or us with his friends.

"Set it up. You and Evan, Harry and-"

"Nope. Nope. Evan and I are done."

"Well, yeah, I know. But like next month when you're back together-"

"No, it's actually done. Like, forever."

My eyes widen in utter shock. They've been on and off for like three years, but I always thought they'd just end up together. Maybe she's just bluffing. "Well what happened?"

"He moved to New York for work, so yeah. That's over."

"Did he like warn you or-"


"And he's just gone?"

"He was like all packed up and like, 'Oh, Beth, forgot to tell you I'm leaving, bye!'" She rolls her eyes. I feel a pang of sadness for her because I know that regardless of their relationship status she really did love him. But maybe this is for the best. "But I'm okay, I really am. I'm over him, I wasn't even into it anymore."

"Jeez, B that sucks. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Seriously- don't. Set me up with one of Harry's hot friends or something, like I'm okay."

Hm, maybe I will.

Our eyes both dart to the waiter carrying our food, and we stop talking about stupid Evan and dig into the pancakes and waffles.

hope you enjoyed! thanks so much for reading. if you enjoyed this part please leave some feedback, a vote and any other reaction! i love reading your comments. next part will be more interesting lol

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