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Life without Jessica was slowly starting to feel more and more normal which in turn was making me more and more depressed. I temporarily stopped going to school and stopped leaving the house. I locked myself in my room all day and spent my hours mindlessly watching television on my laptop. The only happiness I ever received in those empty weeks came from the texts and calls I got from Danny, but then one day those stopped as well.

"He's not answering his cell." I mutter to myself as I'm sitting in the livingroom while mom is making dinner. "Do you think he's mad at me?"

"Of course not." My mom answers. "Maybe he's just busy. Its only been a day."

"He usaully texts me every hour. Its strange for him to not answer like this." I whine as I lean back deeper into the couch. In the background an old comedy show is playing on the television and is making for a weird audio backdrop to my swirling depression.

"I'm going to try calling Natalie." I say as I take out my phone again and head upstairs to take the call. She answers on the third ring with a little crack in her voice.


"Natalie, its me Y/n. I know this may sound werid but have you heard from Danny? He isnt answering his phone."

" you didnt hear?" Natalie asks.

"Hear what?"

"Y/n, Danny never came home last night."


"His parents called me. His car is in the driveway but he never came home."

I feel my heart drop and I go silent as memories of the day Jessica went missing come flooding back to me. Surely this isnt the same right? Surely it's not repeating itself?

"I'm coming over soon." Natalie says on the other end of the phone. "Wait for me."

The phone call goes dead and I sit in absolute silence as time seems to fly by in a flash. In what felt like less than ten seconds Natalie is already at my house and banging on the front door to be let in. My mom lets her in and she runs up to my room where I am quickly enveloped in a hug as a comforting hand runs up and down my back.

"Don't freak out on me Y/n." Natalie orders. "I'm sure he's fine."

"If he was fine he would answer my calls." I state absently as I lean on Natalies shoulder. Downstairs the doorbell rings again and I hear another person enter the house

"Who?" I ask absently.

"I called Philip as well." Natalie states as Philip walks into my room with a concerned expression.

"Y/n....I'm so sorry." He mumbles.

"Dont be sorry!" Natalie snaps. "There is no need to be sorry because everything is fine! Danny is fine! I'm sure he just went out on a walk last night and got a little lost. He will be back soon!"

I lean closer to Natalie as I wrap an arm around her shoulder as her chest heaves violently.

"He's fine." She mumbles but based on her tone she doesnt believe it. For what feels like hours the three of us just sit together in silence on my bed with our phones in hand waiting for them to ring with good news on the other end. As the sun begins to set outside I hear the home phone ring downstairs and my mother answers it. Minutes later she appears in my bedroom doorway with a solemn expression. Natalie breaks down crying and I hold her close to my shoulder as my mother tells us the words we were all dreading to hear.

"They found a body."


Dannys funeral was held three days later at a local church. The pews were crowded with people as dozens of mourners came to celebrate and grieve over the life that was Danny. I sat in the fron row with Natalie and Danny's parents on one side of me and my mother on my other side holding my hand tightly. The service seemed to go on for hours. It was a closed casket funeral, something about the body being too disfigured for anyone to see. The police had said he had been stabbed forty-seven times. Forty-seven.

"He didnt deserve to go so young." I hear Danny's mom whisper to her husband to my right as she bursts into hysterical sobs. I hold myself together until after the funeral at which I find a good tree outside to curl up and cry under. As I cry I hear soft footsteps and I look up to see Philip standing over with me with a solemn expression.

"I'm so sorry." he whispers. I sniffle a little as I gesture for him to sit next to me at which point I curl into his side and sob. I never felt that close to Philip. We were never really friends but at that moment it didnt really matter. I just wanted someone to comfort me. It didnt matter who.

"I'm going to find the bastard who did this." I whispered.

"Let the police handle that." Philip whispered. "Youve been through enough."

I nodded but on the inside I felt I didnt need comfort. What I needed was revenge. I was starting to get a pretty good idea of who was behind all this. Now all I had to do was figure out how to catch them.

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