《 NINE 》

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《 There's This Thing Called Affection 》

"After school tomorrow, I'll tell you everything you need to know"

I laid in bed that night, my thoughts racing. My fingernails traced my lips, thinking about the almost kiss Marcus and I had shared.

It was something that came easy, and I don't know if that's what frightened me more. I didn't know much about love, I liked someone. I liked Austin.

He had kissed me too, also telling me that we were supposed to be together. At this age in my life, I should be choosing what dress to wear out tonight, not to choose between a warring species.

I was different, Austin was different, Marcus was different. And Juilan held every answer I needed.

But so did Marcus, I could see it when he made that snide remark about Juilan's mother. He looked right at me.
I tossed and turned all night, barely getting any sleep.

By the time my alarm went off that morning, I had about 45 minutes of restless sleep.

I dressed slowly, quickly having a shower before doing so. I was down the stairs and eating my breakfast before my mum had the time and do her usual routine of knocking on my door and yelling at me to get up.

I think she was just as surprised as I was when I chugged down a mug of coffee and kissed her cheek.

I pushed my ear buds into my ears and blasted the first song that came on. Maybe the noise would drown my thinking out.

My heart seemed to be racing, for some unknown reason.
Maybe it was because I would get my answer this afternoon, maybe it was because I'd see Austin..

Or maybe it was because I'd see Marcus.

Something about yesterday seemed to click with me. Seeing him protect me even though I had made a mistake.
Provided he didn't actually give me any of the answers I wanted and I practically walked into my death.
He protected me, maybe because he did care.

I saw the look in his eyes when Blaine had touched me.
He had something about marking me to Blaine, but for some reason.. I didn't complain.

I wanted answers though, and today. I was finally going to get some.

"Hey" a voice said as they tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and pulled out my ear buds as Austin grinned at me. "Hey!" I exclaimed.

Austin chuckled. "Excited for tonight?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Tonight?" I asked confused.

"The lakehouse?" He asked, trying to refresh my memory.

"Oh! I thought we moved it to tomorrow night?" I asked, tying up my ear buds and stowing them away.

Austin looked thoughtful. "Oh yes we did, my apologies ma'am" he replied.

"Besides, tonight is actually great, my sister isn't coming into town to dance, she's staying with her dad" I replied.

Austin's eyes lit up. "Cool! I'll let everyone know!" He exclaimed.

I laughed. "Okay" I said as Austin did a little jump.

I felt eyes on me and I turned my head to see Marcus looking at me from the other end of the hall.

A girl was talking to him but he seemed only focused on me. Austin was still talking but it was like time stood still when Marcus's and my eyes met.
He tilted his face forward, a small smirk gracing his beautiful features before he looked away and the spell was broken.

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