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《 Ireland? What's in Ireland? 》

"Diana, we must leave immediately" Taron said, turning around to face me.

I glanced at his worried urgent face and frowned. "Where are we going?" I asked, brushing dirt off my clothes.

"Ireland" he replied, pushing past me.

"Ireland?" I asked, confused and turning around to face him.

"Ireland" he echoed, glancing at me over his shoulder. 

"What's in Ireland?" I asked, following after my brother.

"Scathach" was all he said.

"I don't understand, we just got here" I said confused, I glanced at the landscape. 

I didn't want to leave this beautiful place, not yet.
"Diana, you're in danger here" he said making his pace faster as he headed for the castle.

"Isn't that why you're teaching me to defend myself?" I asked, raising my hands to make my point.

"Yes it is, but what's coming for you isn't something you can just control with a point of your hands" he said, opening the wooden door and holding it open for me.

"I don't understand" I said, still confused.

"Look Marcus forewarned us, it gives us time to move before they get here" he said pushing past me again.

"Marcus? What? They?" I asked, my mind turning to mush.

Taron sighed and stopped, turning around. I stopped, almost running into him. "I have a mind connection with Marcus and right now he's receiving punishment for his crimes, Marcus managed to tell me that they're planning to come after you" Taron said, his eyes studying my face.

"Punishment? What punishment!" I exclaimed. 

Taron winced. "That's not my place, besides the point, I need to get you out of here, Marcus hasn't broken yet but he will, there's only so much you can put a man through" he said.

"What are you two doing?" A voice asked, startling the both of us.

Taron turned his head to see Keian. "Nothing" he said, his eyes drifting away.

"Conspiring against the Queen?" He asked, Keian's eyes darting to mine.

I rolled mine before sighing. "We were discussing whether or not Taron should just be a human full time and find a nice handsome boy out in the real world" I said, folding my arms.

Keian's face drained whereas Taron looked at me in horror before composing himself. "You'd leave the sanctuary of Faerie borders, just for that?" Keian asked, his body tense. 

Taron glanced at me again, a smirk on my face.
"Yes, since it's forbidden here, I can't stay here" Taron said, straightening his back and squaring his shoulders.

"But Tay- Taron, your family is here" Keian said, clearing his throat halfway through.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I can't marry a girl, I don't want a Faerie girl, you know what I want Keian, since that's not possible.. I'm leaving" Taron said..

My smirk widened into a grin as Keian took a step forward, trying to block Taron from going past. "No!" Keian said.

"Move Keian, don't you have the Queen to attend too!" Taron exclaimed.

"I don't care anymore, there you got what you wanted, if you're leaving than so am I!" Keian exclaimed.

Taron's eyes widened. "I don't want to live without you Taron and when you left, I was alone and I never want to feel that again, because I love you and the Queen be damned" Keian said formally before grabbing Taron and pulling him to him.

I smiled as Keian kissed him, and I turned away giving them a bit of privacy.

When they pulled away, I looked at Keian. "Actually, we were discussing on how we were going to get out of here, out of Faerieland" I said as Taron seemed shocked.

"I'm coming with you and I know just the place, the Queen isn't aware of this place and I expect it to remain so" Keian said.

I nodded. "Thanks Keian" I replied.

The soldier walked away but not before touching Taron's cheek and he disappeared down the hall. Taron glanced at me, red dotting his cheeks. "You're welcome" I said, raising an eyebrow.

Taron shook his head and his eyes seemed to gloss over. "Taron?" I asked.

He pressed a finger to his lips. I quieted and then he flinched before pressing his hands to his head. "Marcus, drop the connection!" He yelled out.

He slumped against the wall and suddenly he was fine. I however was not. "What's going on!" I yelled.

Taron breathed heavily. "We have to go help him! Taron, he's hurt!" I yelled, pulling on my brother's arm.

"No! I have to get you to Ireland! Marcus said he needs you in Ireland, Scathach will help us" Taron said.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. "But Marcus.." I trailed off.

"Right now all he cares abut is your safety, if he has to die for you to live then so be it" Taron said, shaking his head again.

I pressed a hand to my mouth to stop the sob from escaping. "He'll be okay" Taron said.

"Come on, we have to go" he added, taking my arm.

Marcus's POV

I screamed out in pain as the the UV light ran across my skin

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I screamed out in pain as the the UV light ran across my skin. I.was in so much pain, to rhe point whsre it wasnt pain. I could feel my skin burning and splitting, I could feel the light ripping me apart. "This is your punishment so stop screaming" one of the Consul members said.

The others laughed as the UV ray dragged across my face, again splitting and burning my skin. I closed my eyes and buckled against the straps that held me down to the table, trying to get away from the light.

It burnt my skin and my voice was slowing dying as I knew it'd be pointless to scream.
I didn't want to die. But I knew as I struggled against the straps. I knew as I listened to the Consul laugh and ridicule me..

As the UV light dug into my skin, burning me.

I knew one thing..

I was never going to see Diana again.


How are you all!

What did you think of the chapter?

I'm glad that Keian finally figured out what he wanted!
Marcus is still in pain.. 😭😭
I just love him too much... I need him to be okay :(

Who do you think Scathach is?
Will she help?

Find out and stay tuned!
#18 in Vampire ❤❤

Love from the weird author,
T xoxoxoxoxoxox

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