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《 The Death 》

"Where is she?" I asked, looking at Dorian.

"In her chambers, follow me" he replied, glancing at me and coaxing me to follow.

We wandered from the throne room into an unfamiliar hallway. I looked at the paintings on the wall, feeling unsettled and queasy. I absolutely didn't know why, but I knew that what I was about to do would change the course of my life forever.

I tried to steady my shaking hands but they simply wouldn't stop as Dorian stopped in front of a golden door. Green, emerald leaves decorated the front almost in a celtic design.

I took a deep breath and nodded to Dorian who watched me. "Let's do this" I whispered.

Dorian nodded and reached for the handle, pushing the door open. I closed my eyes briefly, calming myself as I stepped into my mothers room.

She laid in the center of her bed, her hair splayed around her like a halo. My eyes drifted over her shallow cheeks and barely breathing chest. I felt my breath stop as my eyes reached her face.

She looked like a skeleton. A sickly greenish colour had taken to her skin and I moved towards her bed. "Mother?" I whispered.

I hadn't known her. In real, she hadn't raised me but in this moment... she was still my mother and she was still ill. Her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head towards me weakly as I fell to my knees by her bed.

I reached out and took her hand. I felt her weak strength squeeze back. "You came back" she rasped out.

I felt tears gather in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were ill" I choked out.

"I didn't want you to take my throne because you had to" she replied.

I sniffled. "Do not cry my child, this is not the end for me" she whispered.

"I just met you, and now you're leaving" I cried out softly.

She squeezed my hand tighter and her eyes studied my face. "I will always be with you, my daughter, my beautiful daughter" she rasped out.

"I only wanted what was best for you, to protect you from this world, but now I have doomed you" she said as I looked at her sunken face.

Tears dripped from her eyes, staining the pillow under her head. "Tell Taron that I love him, whether or not he was homosexual or not" she said.

A tear fell from my eye and I could feel it trail down my cheek. "I should have been a better mother," she trailed off before lifting her hand weakly and wiping away the tear on my face.

I sobbed. "I'll do it mother, I'll take care of Faerieland for you" I whispered, leaning close to her hand.

She smiled as much as she could. "I know you will" she replied.

She glanced at Dorian. "Thank you for finding her for me" she said.

Dorian bowed his head in reply. She looked back at me. "My time has come my daughter, I love you" she said, smiling softly.

I felt the sadness of not knowing if I'd ever meet my real mother and the pain of not being satisfied with the one I met reach me. I poured it into my soul and let my mind reach out to her. Her eyes widened as she felt my pain, her eyes now alight with tears.
She was still my mother.
"I love you too" I whispered back before sobbing again.

Her smile seemed to freeze and I heard her last breath. I couldn't contain it anymore. I burst out crying,  my head falling onto the bed, my hand clutching hers.

Bite Me ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora