2K 139 18

crusty ass 2
hey hosuck

crusty ass 1
wdy want hoe

crusty ass 2
let's have a movie night w the other guys

crusty ass 1
sure let's

crusty ass 2
go contact them i'm too lazy

crusty ass 1
ok ok cool


hopesuck entered the chat

hopesuck: hey ugly bitches let's hold a movie night

joonglez: a what

hopesuck: a movie night you asstart

joonglez: ok lit

suckjin: i'm gonna bring pizza over

teatae: which house are we going to

hopesuck: yours lmao

teatae: wait i'm-

teatae: my room??

agustdick: yeah who tf else??

teatae: jsjsj its messy here

joonglez: did jungkook spend the night again

teatae: shush

teatae: ok ill wake him up and tell him y'all are coming over

hopesuck: good good

suckjin: invite jimin over

agustdick: yeah good idea

hopesuck: what why

suckjin: he's the only one who laughs at my jokes 😔👊🏻


joonglez: look hyung i'm laughing HAHAHAHHA

suckjin: i didn't even say a joke

agustdick: no need to bc his whole life is already a joke


joonglez: u rite tho sjksjjs

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joonglez: u rite tho sjksjjs

teatae: ok he's awake

teatae: see y'all there

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