Chapter 3: Teaming With Dolph Ziggler

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Smackdown Live

Megan's P.O.V.

I was walking down the hallway with Andrea, going to go to Stephanie's office. I was going to ask for an important request. Ever since Colby betrayed me, the only one who's ever been there for me as a brother is Nick. So, tonight, since I'm teaming up with him against a member of The Shield and Summer Rae, I figured I change my ring name. I'm not a Rollins. I'm a Ziggler.

We got to Stephanie's office and I knocked on the door. I entered with Andrea and Stephanie looked up at us. "Hi, girls. What can I do for you?" she asked. "Hey, Stephanie. I was gonna ask for a request." I explained. "Okay. What's the request?" she asked me. "Can I change my ring name?" I asked her. She nodded her head. "Sure. What do you want the ring name to be?"

"Ashley Ziggler." I replied. She then looked at me from her writing. "Ever since Colby and the guys betrayed me, Nick has been the only one who has been doing a better job as a brother to me. So, as gratitude, I want to be his on-screen sister. I don't want to be a Rollins anymore. I want to be a Ziggler." I explained. Stephanie sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Now, I'll call him in and tell him about the changes. You can go and get ready for your match. Good luck out there tonight." she told me. I smiled. "Thank you, Stephanie." I told her before Andrea and I left. It was then the Divas came to us. Nicole, Brianna, Saraya, April, Eva, Trinity, Natalya, and Ariane.

"We're going clubbing this weekend. Want to join us?" Natalya asked. I smiled and nodded, but Andrea tensed up. "Um, is there going to be drinking? Because I don't drink alcohol. I'm a recovering addict." she replied. "Oh, Sweetie. It's okay. You don't have to drink alcohol if you don't want to. You can just come and have fun with us." Nicole reassured her.

Andrea smiled and nodded as Nicole wrapped an arm around her. "I got to get ready for my match. I'll catch you all later." I said. They nodded and walked off. It was then April and Tamina stopped walking and came to me. "I have to tell you something. Summer is bringing Layla and Aksana with her as backup. So, is it okay if we can accompany you to the ring?" she asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Also, since Jon and Joe will be in their corner, we could also back you up." I heard a voice say. I turned and saw two of mine and Andrea's best friends. Their names were Jonnie Pitts (ring name Jonny Quinn) and Zack Morgan (ring name Zak Attack). They were our friends since NXT and we became really close.

"Thanks, guys." I said as we went to the curtain to meet up with Nick. When we got there, he smiled when he saw me. "Well, hello there, TV sister." he told me. I chuckled as I playfully punched his arm. "Hello, T.V. brother." I replied. It was then the music guy began a countdown to mine and Nick's entrance.

"Here. Might want to wear this." he said as he handed me a Dolph Ziggler shirt. I put it on as April pulled out her phone."I got to take this. I'm tweeting it." she said as she snapped a pic of us.

We all looked at it and smiled as the tech guy got to the count of three

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We all looked at it and smiled as the tech guy got to the count of three. "Ready, guys?" he asked. We all nodded as the music played. (⬆⬆⬆⬆ Play Video)

I'm here to show the world
I'm here to show the world

(Come on!)
(Bring it on!)

We all walked out with smiles on their faces. The fans screamed and cheered as they saw me and my friends. "And their opponents, accompanied by Jonny Quinn, Zak Attack, Tamina, and AJ Lee, from Hollywood, Florida, the team of Dolph and Ashley Ziggler!" Lilian announced. We all walked down the ramp and slapped a couple of the fans' hands.

The Shield all looked at me with a mix of hurt and anger. Colby, on the other hand, was seething with anger. I smirked and hopped on the apron with Nick as we did our signature poses. We slid inside the ring and I got into Summer's face before Colby and Nick separated us. "Don't worry about them. We have the numbers even now. We can take them." he reassured me. I smiled and nodded before he kissed my head and I went behind the ropes.

*Later on in the match*

Nick just hit Colby with the Zig-Zag and almost had the three count, but Layla pulled the referee out. Tamina and April began beating her and Aksana up as my best friends took on Jon and Joe. "Come on, Nick!" I encouraged as I reached my hand out for a tag. He tried his best to get to me as Colby was nearing Summer. "Let's go, Bro! You got this!" I said as we were fingertips away.

Soon, he managed to slap my hand and tag me in. I got inside the ring and began to Clothesline Summer. I grabbed her and went her to the ropes before I kicked her and sent her down. I went for a pin. "One! Two!" Summer kicked out. I grabbed her but she rolled me up. "One! Two!" I kicked out. I got up and dodged her signature kick before I punched her in the face. I grabbed her and sent her to the turnbuckle.

I did a front flip followed by a forearm. I grabbed her and body slammed her onto the mat. I ran to the ropes and hit the Curbstomp on her. I then locked her into the 'Yes' Lock that Brie taught me. She screamed and thrashed her legs before she finally tapped out. I let her go and got up as mine and Nick's theme played.

"Here are your winners, the team of Dolph and Ashley Ziggler!" Lilian announced.

He slid inside the ring and I went to check on him. He held his arm as I helped him up. "You alright?" I asked. "Yeah, Babygirl. I'm fine." he told me as he hugged me. Our friends got inside the ring and raised our arms as we celebrated our victory. April jumped on me and hugged me tightly. Tamina kissed my head. Jonnie and Zack attacked me with hugs and kisses. We all got out and I smirked as Summer, Aksana, Layla, and The Shield glared at us.

We all went backstage and went to catering. Tamina went to go and help Trinity with something. I took a seat next to Nick and sat with my friends. "So, where's Andrea?" I asked. "Getting ready for a tag-team match with Saraya." Jonnie explained. I smiled and nodded as I took a bite from my pizza. We all began eating and talking.


I looked and saw Colby. I rolled my eyes before I turned around. "What do you want?" I asked. "I need to talk to you." he said before leaving. I groaned and put my face in my hands. "Want me to go with you?" Nick asked me. "No, it's fine." I said as I got up and went to meet Colby. I found him glaring at me and I crossed my arms around my chest. "What the hell do you want?" I asked him with a roll of my eyes.

"Really, Megan? Nick? He's not your brother! I am!" he told me. "Newsflash, you aren't my brother! The night you and the guys betrayed me, Nick was the first one to visit me in the hospital! He never left my side once! He went with me to my therapy sessions! He was there for me when you weren't! Nick is not a friend or a companion! He's my brother!" I yelled.

"If you would've let us explain ourselves, we wouldn't be in this situation right now!" he yelled back. "You brought this upon yourself!" I said as I turned, but he grabbed my wrist. I turned and punched him square in the nose. "Stay the hell away from me! You're no brother of mine!" I yelled before I went back to catering.

I joined the others as April placed a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" she asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." I told her with a smile as I went back to eating.

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