Chapter 16: A New Diva, An Old Friend

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      Ashley's P.O.V.

   I was going to be in Divas action tonight. I was going to face Alicia Fox and Tamina with a mystery partner. She's one of my old friends from before I came to WWE. I wrested with her and another friend for a short time in TNA. The McMahons brought her so she could be a Diva. She's made great friends with Paige, The Bellas, AJ, and Ariel through me.

    I was already in my Shield gear. I had on my dog tag and my hair was damp and ready to go. I had no makeup on other than eyeliner. I had my Divas title around my waist. The guys (Roman and Seth) were getting ready for their match against Stardust and Goldust. They were going to defend their titles.

    I looked at my partner and smiled. "You ready, girl?" I asked. "Dude, I was ready for that. Glad to be you partner tonight." she replied. I smiled as I hugged her. "Gotta go to the stairs. Meet you in the ring." I said. She smiled and nodded before I ran to where the guys and I normally do our entrance.

  Tamina and Alicia were already in the ring as the crowd booed them. I took a deep breath and stood behind the curtain as I practiced a couple of air punches. I chugged down my bottle of ice cold water until it was empty. The tech team counted down to three before my theme played.

   Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    The crowd erupted into massive cheers as I appeared at the top of the staircase. "And their opponents! First, from Davenport, Iowa, representing The Shield, she is the WWE Divas Champion, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced. I walked down the stairs, slapping a couple of the fans' hands with a smile on my face. I got to the barricade and jumped over it with my strength.

   "Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been rumors buzzing all over social media that Ashley Rollins has already chosen a mystery partner for her match against Tamina and Alicia Fox." Michael said at commentary.

"Everybody thinks it would be Paige or even Ariel, but those two have already been dealing with issues involving the Bella Twins. Therefore, nobody knows." JBL added.

    "Well, whoever it is, I'm sure they were a great pick because as we all know, Ashley Rollins has allies of her own that have great potential and strength from both genders. Whoever the mystery lady is, it was a great choice." Jerry explained.

    I already got inside the ring, holding my Diva title on my shoulder before I went and got a microphone. "You see, a lot of you are wondering who my partner is. Well, let me just say that she can kick your asses the old fashioned way in a matter of minutes. You all ready to meet her?!" I shouted. The crowd cheered as did the 'Yes!' chant.

   "Then, come on out, Babygirl!" I shouts as I tossed the microphone.

   (Play video)

   The crowd erupted into cheers as she walked out and did her TNA entrance. "Her tag-team partner, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Angelina Love!" Lilian announced. Angelina began walking down the ramp, slapping some fans' hands.

   "This is unbelievable! All the way from TNA! The former member of The Beautiful People is here in WWE and is teaming up with our Divas Champion!" JBL said at commentary.

     "I agree. Even Tamina and Alicia looked shocked because everybody who had watched this woman in the past knows that she can really kick butt." Jerry added.

    Angelina got on the apron before joining me inside the ring. We began talking smack to our opponents. The referee separated all of us. I gave my title to him before he gave it to Lilian. Angelina took off her leather jacket, revealing her red top that made the guys in the audience wolf whistle. Can't blame them after all. She is single. Hmm. Maybe I can set her up with one of the guys and I have the right person.

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