Chapter 10: Lumberjack Match

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Seth's P.O.V.

Tonight was going to be a big night for the guys, me, and Ashley. She was going to face Summer in a Lumberjack match. Stephanie ad announced it on Twitter earlier and we couldn't be more excited, because if Summer loses, she is automatically fired from the whole WWE. Hunter and Stephanie helped us, Leighla, Galina, JoJo, Jonny, Zak, Ariel, BVB, and Ashley got a restraining order against Summer. If she violates it, she will be sent to prison.

All of the Divas will be supporting Ashley throughout the match. All the Divas like Layla and Eva who were Summer's best friends turned against her ever since the truth came out. Everyone in the Divas division has taken Ashley's side and she has become their leader. She's basically the one who keeps them all together. My sister is basically the Divas Division's hope for the future.

I was with the guys in The Shield's locker room. We were gonna watch the match on the monitor we have. Me and Dean were sitting down as Roman was leaning against the wall. I couldn't wait for our girl to win. If she does, we can finally be free of that crazy blonde bitch's clutches. Although we have a restraining order against her, it's obvious she still wants Dean.

"Here we go." I said as Lilian stood in the ring.

The bell rang before she held the microphone to her mouth. "The following contest is a Lumberjack Divas match scheduled for one-fall. If Summer Rae loses, she is automatically fired from WWE. Introducing first, the Lumberjacks!" she announced as she looked at the ramp.

'Cause now I'm back, back, back on top of the world
I'm back, back, back on top of the world
Yeah I'm back, back, back on top of the world, the world (world, world)
Ain't gonna stop me now!

The entire Divas division walked out with smiles on their faces, even the heels. They all walked down the ramp in a line. The order of the line was Paige, AJ Lee, Ariel, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Naomi, Cameron, Tamina, Emma, Natalya, Aksana, Eva Marie, Alicia Fox, and Layla.

All of them surrounded the ring. I knew AJ and Ariel were going to love being part of that match, since they are closest to Ashley and hate Summer the most.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

The fan sat up, cheering and went wild as all the Divas clapped. Ashley walked out and I smiled at her gear. It was the last outfit she wore on the night we betrayed her. It was a pair of black jeans, black combat boots, a black long-sleeve, she had her hands taped like Dean, and her Shield vest on. She had our symbol on it as well as the dog tag. Her hair was perfectly curled and her makeup was absolutely stunning.

"Introducing first, from Davenport Iowa, representing The Shield, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced. My sister appeared at the top of the stairs and smiled. She walked down the stairs and fist-bumped the fans. She got to the barricade and did my ninja roll over it. The guys and I chuckled as our girl showed everyone who she truly is. A Hound of Justice.

She looked at the crowd and smiled as she saw Leighla, Galina, JoJo, and BVB all there. Mine and Roman's girls hugged her tightly. She went to JoJo and kissed her head. She went and hugged every member of BVB. I saw that she hugged Jake the longest. Ashley went to Ariel and Jeremy's daughter, Kira and kissed her head. I'm so happy all of them are safe from the blonde bitch.

She got on the apron and put her fist out, earning cheers. She went and gave Ariel and AJ a huge hug. Ashley slid in the ring and did her pose on the top rope. She jumped down as the rest of the Divas smiled.

Call to me, Call to me

The crowd erupted into loud ass boos as Summer came out and did her pose. "And her opponent, from Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer Rae!" Lilian announced. She strutted down the ramp as she flipped her hair. All the Divas glared at her. She went to hug Layla and Eva, but they shoved her away. Nice try, bitch. They ain't your friends anymore. Summer rolled her eyes before going onto the apron and doing her pose on the top rope.

She got inside the ring as the referee told them to step back. The two girls threw insults back and forth. The referee then signaled for the bell to ring. As soon as it did, Ashley wasted no time in attacking Summer. She began landing punches over and over. She got off and screamed before grabbing Summer's hair. She headbutted her and sent her to the turnbuckle. Ashley ran and hit her with a knee strike.

She grabbed Summer and positioned her on the second rope. Ashley pressed her knee against Summer's back, choking her. Ashley let go after a few seconds. She grabbed Summer and hit her with a roundhouse kick. She went for a pin. "One! Two!" Summer kicked out. Ashley grabbed her and tossed her over the top rope. Summer held her jaw and my sister smirked.

Summer was on one knee when she saw all of the Divas advancing towards her. She put her hands up in surrender as she looked at Eva and Layla, reasoning with them. They shook their heads. Summer backed off before running into Ariel and AJ. AJ landed the first attack and soon, all of the Diva began stomping and punching Summer.

Layla and AJ grabbed Summer by her hair and tossed her into the ring. Summer was holding her bad arm. Ashley went for another pin. "One! Two!" Summer kicked out. I knew that because Summer had a bad arm, Ashley would win this. Ashley landed punches and hit her with the Twist of Fate.

She went to the ropes and looked at the crowd and the Divas. They all began doing the 'Yes!' chant. Ashley nodded as she climbed up the ropes. She got on the top rope and performed a Moonsault. The crowd and Divas were all going insane. What Ashley did next made me and the guys smile.

She grabbed Summer and got her up. She ran to the ropes and hit a Spear. Ashley grabbed her and blew a kiss to the camera and winked before planting Summer with the Dirty Deeds. She smirked as she stood over Summer, who was trying to get up. She ran to the ropes and hit the Blackout. She winked at the camera before she pinned Summer.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell ringed as The Shield's theme played. "Here is your winner, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced.

Ashley rolled out of the ring. AJ, Paige, Nikki, Brie, and Ariel ran and hugged her tightly. Soon, the rest of the Divas outside the ring hugged her one by one. She smirked as Summer cried, holding her arm and began to throw a tantrum. Ariel and AJ raised my sister's arms, making the crowd go absolutely wild.

Once they got backstage, the guys and I left the locker room and ran to the curtain. We saw her there with the Divas. After she said bye to them, she saw us and smiled. Ashley ran and we all had a group hug. I picked her up and spinned her around, the both of us laughing. Roman hugged her tightly as he lifted her up. After he set her down, she looked at Dean.

Dean cupped her face and kissed her. She responded and wrapped her arms around his neck. After they pulled away, they rested their foreheads against each other. "You did it, Darling." he told her. "We're finally safe." Roman added. "You were amazing, Sis." I told her, patting her shoulder.

She giggled and jumped on Dean's back, making me and Roman chuckle. All four of us went to the locker room and hung out like the good old times before the drama happened. Summer's finally gone for good. The Shield was finally complete and better than ever.

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