CHAPTER 8: Rogue

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“Son of a lying bitch” I murmured as I trekked towards the forbidden forest. Actually it’s not that forbidden but beyond eight at night it would be. The fact, it was surely past eight right now, I was good as a dead meat to everybody who would found me.

But I was angry, pissed, and damn ticked off. My brother lied to me, kind of childish but he had no right to do that. We were supposed to tell each other everything.

One week seriously? That’s too long, he would leave me that long? And he only said that to me the day before he was going away?

“It’s the village tradition to have ages twenty to thirty to go with the camp Riri, I’ve been avoiding it for four years since you’re too young to leave alone but I’m twenty-five now. The leader would have my ass if I won’t go this time” he explained. I was pouting with hands over my chest.

“But you said you wouldn’t!” I screamed, feeling so childish.

“It’s just one week Ri… one week” he coaxed trying to hug me, I stepped back and shook my head.

“One week, that’s seven days. I will be my own in seven days?” this time I was already bawling. I felt so pathetic. Imagine an almost six footer, seventeen year old guy bawling and crying like a helpless child being abandoned by his parents.

“Azalea would be there. You won’t be alone baby boy” I shook my head wildly and ran out of the door. Wiping my tears with the sleeve of my shirt.  He called for me but I didn’t listen as I went my way up to the forest.

I cursed at the memory, as I realized how childish I acted.

Now that the adrenalines gone, the childish emotions; I felt so exhausted. I looked around the forest and cursed myself at the brooding atmosphere and murky area. Where was I? I looked back at the path I trekked and started descending toward the hopefully our home’s path.

Here I was running away but now going back like I didn’t just made a scene out there.

For a moment I froze on my steps as the busy forest had gone dead silent. No chirping, owl hooting and crickets chirping. The hell?

I roamed my eyes, squinting suspiciously at the dancing trees, looking so terrific and haunted.

I took a step and another step, soon I was sprinting. Running like my life depended on it. I didn’t know why but I suddenly felt so scared staring at those trees, felt like someone was staring at me, waiting to attack. I stumbled a few times, knees scraping around pebbles and rocks. Elbows scraping some low branches and at some point my face.

“Fuck!” I cussed. That stung like a bitch. But I didn’t stop, not even slowing a bit. The adrenaline was too much too ignore.

I looked ahead and a shout caught in my throat as a figure emerged from the shadow right in front of me. There’s no time to slow down or halt, I slammed my body on the out of nowhere figure and grunted at the impact. We rolled on the ground, I was probably running in a lightning speed as it took a lot of time for us to stop rolling like a fallen log.

Fortunately we halted to a stop, breath crawling back on my body. The impact almost stole my breath away. Looking down, I found myself sitting on the figure’s torso. He was beneath me, eyes closed probably trying to ease the dizziness away. I leaned away and shook my head, starting to get up away from the poor figure.

But a firm grip at my waist made me plopped back on the figure, this time on his lap.

“What the- aren’t you feeling burdened on my weight?!” I asked incredulously.

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