Chapter 13: Sleep for Now

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I have lot of reasons/excuses why it took me weeks or months? to update. But to spare you with a rant all I can say is stress at work is making my life miserable.

I just got a job. Stressful, super stressful my work is consuming all of my time I hardly sleep at all. Even my weekends are non existent and lately I had to resort myself to reading to cope with stress.

Endgame is depressing, still not over it. I have to read lots of fix it to remain sane 😭.

So here is the chapter, it's slightly longer than before and more of a filler. Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the comments and reads.

Maybe next time, I could update earlier than this time.

But no worries, Coco will definitely and finally appear his glorious self next chapter.

-Enjoy ❤️-

The trip back to the pack house could be described as something along the word 'awkward'. The group kept on glancing back at me while Silver was silently trudging, subtlety shielding behind me.

Taiga on different case was a happy kid seeing the familiar faces of the guys and the goofy face Fire kept on sending the kid didn't help at all.

The worst part though, was the glare Midori sending my ways and the jab he kept on receiving from Sin. Me on the other hand, was busily glazing around the forest, evading everyone's reprimanding glance and presence.

After all, I could sense a long talk.

I sighed and caressed the bump in my belly. I was hungry and the small pinpricks of pain was an indication enough that the life inside me was in the same state.

The tension though, I sighed again and decided to throw everything out of the bushes and stopped. Inhaling deep enough I released my breath and uttered my apology.

"I'm sorry"

Everyone halted, I glanced at Midori waiting for his reaction and the sad smile he thrown my way was enough for me to proceed my words.

"I didn't mean to worry you guys, I thought leaving is the best solution I could find" I bowed my head in shame.

Footsteps could be heard and the warm embrace I knew came from Sin almost unleashed the tears I so hard to keep at bay.

"Let's talk about it at the house okay? It's fine Reagan" I nodded against his shoulder.

I stared back at everyone and the smile they gave was enough for me to move forward.

"Give me the kid, you look dead on your feet"

I offered Taiga to Gael and surprisingly Taiga went with him without a fuss. He smiled and ruffled my hair, Taiga glanced at me and smiled as he leaned his head at Gael's shoulder thumb stuck in his mouth.

I just hope everything would be fine.


"Are you out of your mind?!" A resounding booming voice greeted my ears as soon as I stepped inside the house.

I cringed, and everyone snapped their attention at the culprit . Braidan was fuming, fists curled at his side and eyes glaring murderous at me.

"You're pregnant for fucks sake!" I whipped my head so fast and thanking silently as Taiga was nowhere to be found.  Someone must had brought him at the kitchen.

I felt a sideway hug and looked at Sin's worried face. He was glaring at Braidan with so much animosity, I had to gulped in trepidation.

"Think for once dude! what if Silver wasn't there, what would you do? The moment we felt the rogue's presence the guys wolves went batshit crazy!" Braidan shouted, as if his emerging fangs weren't indication enough that he's angry.

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