Chapter 11: Trash

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Everybody was on edge, earlier a group of scouts barged inside the living room with tense faces as they brought news to the Alpha. I so happened to be there and the wary glances they kept on shooting at me told the fact I shouldn't be there listening. So, they left me alone in the leisure room together with Taiga.

After all, I was an outsider. No business of the pack involved me. Not to mention the stinky gazes of some were giving to me made me feel so welcome.

Yet the tense atmosphere made me uncomfortable. I havent seen any of the guys except Blaise, the woman who helped me nutured back to health.  Taiga was playing with Forest on the floor, while I sat on the couch with my one knee up to my chest.

I was bored yet grateful as I saw no shadow of the amazona woman.

Voices rang inside the meeting room and I glanced sideways itching to hear even just a single word. The pack house was deserted, seeing as mostly the teens in the house were in school. The adults were on the meeting room, leaving me alone. Midori even gave me a sad smile knowing I couldn't follow them in their pack business or issues. Surely, something happened that warranted everybody's attention enough to hold a pack meeting.

"Da" a tugged at my clothes made me looked down at Taiga. He had a finger in his mouth while he stared at me. I pried his finger off and hoisted him unto my lap.

"What is it Tai?" I asked burrowing my face unto his hair, smelling baby powder and lotion.

"Hungwe" he mumbled. I glanced at the clock and sighed. Now, I have to depend on them for us to have food in our belly. It was past noon already, but would it be rude enough to rummage inside the kitchen for food?

"Let's be thief for a while" I mumbled to myself and carried Taiga unto my arms. He latched on me like a koala and laid his head on my chest. Forest followed us while we walked inside the kitchen. I opened the ref and saw some left over from breakfast earlier.

This would do.

I grabbed a chair and sat on it, grabbing another plate I put chicken thighs and meatballs then laid the plate flat on the floor. Forest immediately dug in. I put Taiga on my lap and feed him spoon by spoon alternating between me and him.

I have to think ways of how to get out of here. Probably find some work and get my... I mean our own place.

I hummed as we ate in silence.

But I'm pregnant. How will it work?

A sudden bang on the door jolted me out of my thoughts, Forest growled in apprehension while Taiga ducked against my chest in surprise. I whirled around at the source of noise and saw a man staring hardly at me. Eyes filled with so much contempt and hate. I gulped as dread flowed in my veins.

Not again...

He made his move towards me but a hand grasped his shoulder hauling him back on his steps. He snarled, showing retaliation but the scorching gaze of the Alpha halted his actions.

What is going on?

I stood from my place and tightly held Taiga against me. I slowly backed away from them as fear slowly trudged back at the back of my consciousness, Braidan's actions still fresh in my mind.

Why do people so intent in hurting me? What have I've done  wrong?

"Calm yourself August... that's an order" the man glared back at the Alpha and shifted his gaze unto me. A bone chilling look of contempt was thrown at my way. He snapped his shoulders back from Alpha's grasp and walked away- footsteps hard against the floor, making his point.

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