Blood Bath

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Hallow clapped his hands together, jumping up and down on the blood stained stone path like a child on Christmas day.

"Again! Again!" He shouted at a frightening being enshrouded with a thick, black cloak. The gaping, empty eyes of its skull burned with life as it's skeletal hands gripped on tight to the ax it possessed. Without mercy, it rose the deadly weapon as high as it could and sent it crashing down on a trembling guard. Hallow screeched with satisfaction as the man's now lifeless body dropped to one side, his head rolling directly towards the pumpkin's boot. The king was prepared to swing his leg back and strike it as hard as he could, just to see how far it would go. Unfortunately for him, a very loud and unsettling voice from behind forced him to stop halfway through the process.

"Hallow?! What's going on here!" Leiah shouted with all her might, causing the line of guards who were chained together to breathe out in relief. At last, someone had come to save them from being unjustly killed. The princess ran down the marble steps and into the garden courtyard, coming to a sudden halt at the sight that awaited her.

The decapitated bodies of at least 10 men were piled on one side, emitting a horrible stench as the breeze swept through them. Leiah could barely contain her shock, and her mouth gaped open, ready to let out a horrid shriek.

"A-ah! Oh, what on earth!" Hallow immediately cut her off, fanning himself with one of the guard's shields, "Oh dear oh my, executioner what have you done?"

The large skeleton let out a garbled, angry reply, gripping on tight to the glowing ax. Hallow shot him a scowl, quickly turning and bending down towards the traumatized princess with a feigned look of surprise.

"What an awful- yet amusing- sight. This is something that shall not go unpunished! Forgive me, princess, my new executioner was upset for some odd reason that I have nothing to do with."

Leiah immediately squeezed her eyes shut and faced Hallow with open arms. She crashed into him, digging her tear stained face into his dark armor. Hallow was caught off guard for a moment, but he immediately regained his composure and straightened himself up.

"I was enjoying a lovely walk in the gardens, alone with my clean thoughts, when I suddenly heard these poor wretches screaming their tiny, insignificant lungs out. I came as fast as I could, but so many of your father's guards were dead. What a pity."

None of the men present were brave enough to confess the truth- that Hallow had ordered his monster to kill each and every one of them before the princess could return from her visit with her father. Instead, they stared pleadingly at the petrified woman, silently begging for freedom.

"Let them go, for Gods sake," Leiah cried out, her voice shaking with emotion, "Hallow, if things are to work out between us I cannot have any of your people hurting my own. Please keep your executioner under control."

Hallow didn't like what he was being told, and although he had no human characteristics, it was evident he had a very displeased look on his face. Despite wanting to say something else, he merely bowed and grinned, as if everything were perfectly fine, "Of course, my lovely. We wouldn't want another blood bath, now would we?" Hallow couldn't help but giggle at the situation they were in, even though Leiah was clearly not in the mood to laugh with him. She placed an unsteady hand over her chest and glanced away from the quiet monster with the ax and his pyramid of victims.

"Please tell me there is a way to undo what's been done." She spoke, a deep earnestness in her voice. "Please tell me you can bring them back to life."

"Why, yes I can! They will come back, a little slower and perhaps a bit more stupid... but rest assured I can resurrect the dead."

Leiah didn't even catch that he was talking about bringing them back as zombies. All she heard was the first sentence and her body immediately relaxed. She exhaled loudly, facing away from the slaughter behind her as she made her way up a flight of stairs.

"Bring them back quick, then. And free those other guards. I don't want anyone else to be hurt in this kingdom anymore."

Hallow trailed right after her, motioning for the executioner behind him to deal with the bloody mess. "I will, your highness. Might I add that your unwanted kindness makes you much more irresistible to me? How can I say no to that big, juicy heart you possess," Hallow's voice went rough towards the end, and he paused to gain better control of his hunger and emotions.

"Unwanted? Juicy heart?" Leiah questioned, pausing as her hand rested on the door before them.

"Did I say that?" Hallow howled, smacking his knee like he had just heard a good joke, "You heard wrong, sweet darling. But that is besides the point! We've barely met yet I am more than ready to confess my undying, unchanging, unrelenting love for you. Surely my desperation is enough for you to say yes to marrying me?"

Leiah couldn't believe they were having this conversation again. She wasn't thinking straight, especially after her father's accident and witnessing his guard's mutilated bodies. The princess shook her head, attempting to clear her troubled thoughts, "I-I'm sorry. I can't give you a proper response right now."

"It's just a simple 'yes', what is so hard about that? Don't forget we have a sleepover tonight!"

Leiah froze halfway in the door, mentally slapping herself for even suggesting having a sleepover in the first place. "Um, I think it's best if I get some rest now."

Hallow couldn't even get a word in, as she was long gone before he had the chance to respond. With silent disappointment, he turned back towards his executioner and snorted loudly, "What do you think, Tyrell? Should I go after my future wife or let her have some space?"

The skeletal being, who was once known as Tyrell, moaned and grumbled, dragging his weapon behind him as he prepared to free the guards. Hallow huffed, sitting down on the floor with a deeply pensive look on his carved face.

"Humanity is confusing and all together terrible. I truly miss my kingdom, but if all goes well, you and I both will be surrounded with nothing but pure terror."

Tyrell's bony fingers fumbled with the chains on the men's wrists, his deep, unnatural breathing sending chills down their spines. None of them would dare tell anyone of what had become of Tyrell. Their fear of being punished by Hallow or his pet was enough to keep them quiet for as long as they lived.

"I know! I will surprise my darling with the most gruesome of gifts! She will jump into my arms the minute she sees what I have conjured for her." Hallow rubbed his hands together, laughing maliciously as he bounced back up on his two feet, "Be obedient and terrorize the villagers while I meet with your former love interest, Tyrell. She and I have much to discuss."

If he were still human, Tyrell would have objected boldly. However, his humanity was gone the minute he transformed into the monster Hallow wanted. There was no trace of affection or care left in him any longer. All that remained was a will to serve his master, along with an unquenchable thirst for fresh, warm blood.

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