To Be or Not to Be

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Leiah stood in front of her father, squinting and attempting to make out some of his features. "Father, are you sure you're fine? Perhaps I should bring more candles."

"No," the dead king spoke, shaking his head from side to side, "The doctor Hallow sent has told me I need to be in a room where there isn't enough light to harm my weak eyes. He has helped me so much. Do you want me to suffer again, Leiah?"

"No, of course not," she cut in, politely glancing at the Halloween King beside her. With a small shuffle, she nudged his hand and smiled broadly. "Thank you for helping him," she whispered and returned her attention to her father.

Hallow was even more relieved to find that Leiah had fallen for their trap. He made sure she stayed as far away from her father as possible, though. He couldn't risk her noticing the strings or his unhealthy, decomposing complexion.

"I'm glad that you're awake now, father. Is there anything you need? Food? Water?" Leiah asked, a hint of worry still visible in her throat. Doctor Death, however, wasnt interested in small talk. He impatiently tugged on the strings below him, careful not to move too much and risk breaking the flow of his puppet's moves.

Clearing his throat, he adjusted his neck where the king's vocal chords replaced his own. It was only for a few days, then he would put himself under the knife again and reuse his own trachea. No one really understood how any of Doctor Death's experiments were succesful or how his strange ideas always seemed to prove useful. In the world of the dead, it seemed that anything was possible.

"Leiah, I have called you here because I have something very important to share with you." The king began, alerting Hallow to what would come next. The creature straightened himself up and fixed his armor, attempting to make himself appear as charming as ever. "Tell us, dear daddy, what is it that your pour soul needs to share with the princess at this moment?"

Leiah bent forward slightly, curiosity nibbling away at her as her father took in a deep, raspy, slow breathe. "I have lived a long, lonely life ever since your mother passed away. True love only comes once in a lifetime, Leiah. Chase it when the opportunity comes."

Hallow tried to resist a giggle at how serious and touching Doctor Death had become. He was sure the two would go through a fit of laughter once they were through tricking the naïve princess. "My daughter. I have thought long and hard about what should become of Hallow's proposal. It is only fair that you agree to marry him and become his wife."

Leiah raised an eyebrow, unsure of why her father was suddenly so nice with the Halloween King. Was he grateful because his doctor had helped him? Or was it something else? With a sigh, Leiah smiled softly and answered, "Father, as much as I appreciate your consent, I believe I should be the one to agree or not agree to Hallow's request."

"Indeed," Hallow responded dryly. That was the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear, and it only got worse from there. With a defiant look and a graceful bow towards Hallow, Leiah shared her emotions, and made it very clear that her decision was made up. "My dear Hallow. You have given my kingdom and I such a wonderful time. You even helped my father, for which I am very grateful." She paused, as if the next words were difficult to say. Hallow's grin only grew less and less as she continued speaking.

"I have thought very long and hard about my decision. I am not prepared to marry just yet. Everything seems so rushed, I don't feel right saying yes to someone I don't exactly know." Leiah could tell Hallow's usually joyful self was diminishing, so she tried to think of something nice to add on to what she had previously said. "I'm not saying no, I just think it will be more appropriate and comfortable for me to get to know you a little more. Maybe in a few more years, I'll know what I really want."

Sparks flew from Hallow's mouth, nearly making the carpet catch on fire. He tried to sustain the 'kind', 'understanding' demeanor he had falsely shown to Leiah, but everything he was hearing was making it difficult to do just that. The ends of his carved mouth twitched, and he bowed deeply to hide the unwelcome sensation growing inside.

"You are rejecting me? "

"I wouldn't say it that way. I just-," Leiah knew how hard it must of been to say no to someone, and she couldn't bring herself to hurt the one she had admired ever since he came to her world. Not knowing how to finish her sentence, she left it hanging.

"You disgrace!" Doctor Death waved the dead man's arms wildly, forgetting to keep everything moving calmly, "I knew you were no good. How dare you embarrass me in this manner! I'll force you to wed an old king from the other side of the world! Now go, and think about what you have done."

Leiah was surprised to find her father so angry, but she was more concerned about Hallow and his feelings. She wanted to rest her hand on his, but by the looks of how serious he was, she figured she shouldn't. Bowing once more, Leiah covered her mouth and exited the room as fast as she could.

Catarina was standing outside when the princess barged out, visible tears of compassion and sadness in her eyes as she ran past her. The cat woman quickly hurried into the bedroom, concern in her voice as she realized how somber her King was, "What happened? Does she know he's dead?"

"No. If anything, we were able to trick her," the doctor answered bitterly, hoping back down on the floor as he fixed his dark suit, "The girl has rejected our King. Her decisions seems final."

Hallow couldn't even digest what had just happened. He dropped flat on the bed, accidentally smacking the dead king's face as he threw his arms aside. Catarina seemed shocked with the unexpected news, and tried to conjure up an image of a vision she had before they entered the human world.

"That's not possible. I have seen her walking down the aisle in a wedding dress with Hallow on the other side. This isn't right. My visions never fail."

"Then perhaps you need your head checked. She has said no and will not budge further from that. You told me that this would all go so well!" Hallow spat out, emitting a loud, whining noise as he wiggled around like a spoiled child.

"Hush, hush," Cat tried to console the large baby before her while simultaneously trying to think of a solution to the problem that had arisen. She paced the room back and forth as the doctor tended to a rambling Hallow, who all in all seemed to be going through a panic attack.

The three were so confident that Leiah would agree to be Hallow's wife, they never took in mind that she was human and prone to change her opinion in seconds. Now, their plan could not work unless the princess herself changed her mind completely.

Cat snapped her fingers, turning to both the doctor and Hallow with wild eyes. She let out a triumphant meow of realization as she ran out of the room and down the hall. Hallow was momentarily confused, but he took her actions as that of someone losing their sanity.

"She's gone mad," Hallow spoke with lament, dramatically placing the back of his hand against his forehead, "Now the questions is- shall I wither away here and go insane myself or do I carry on and pretend everything is sprinkled with candy?"

"But Hallow, you're already insane."

"...Oh, right."

As the King continued to cry about how everything was lost, the doctor faced the entrance where Cat had vanished entirely. She seemed to know something they didn't- and that something could lead to their salvation. He decide not to tell Hallow about it just yet, for he didn't want to raise any hopes in case he was mistaken. Instead, he would wait and pray to the Grim Reaper that somehow someway Leiah would agree to marry Hallow.

All of the monsters lives depended on it, whether the young princess knew it or not.

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