The Beginning of the End

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Hallow watched as Catarina stationed herself before him, her face emotionless as she revealed what she had created and what she had done to the princess.

The creature was unusually quiet, but Cat knew it was the calm before the storm. After she had finished speaking, she stood as stiff as a soldier and waited for the screaming to begin. With her breath held inside her lungs, the woman stared straight ahead as Hallow rose from the King's own throne. He was unusually silent as he circled around her, resting behind the woman without a sound.

The hairs on the back of her neck began to stand straight up, and if she focused hard enough, she swore she could hear him growling quietly.

"Congratulations, my sweet kitten. All is as it should be, and I will marry the girl tonight."

Cat could barely contain her shock. She turned to face Hallow, growing even more surprised as she noticed the large grin on his face. "But, she's dead. Surely-."

"It will still work if we manage to fool the others into thinking she is alive, at least until the ceremony is over. Besides,you said the plan will work. What can possibly go wrong?"

Catarina was close to answering, but the distant sound of a door breaking down from one of the rooms outside cut the words from her mouth. Both her and Hallow wore confused looks as the sound of someone running towards their area began to grow louder and louder. None of them could react in time when the door that led to the throne room was ripped from its hinges.

Hallow's jaw dropped as he devoured the site of a very dead looking woman, panting heavily with her hair disheveled and her dress torn up. She stood on the doorway, her large eyes drilling deep into his like he was the only person in the room.

"A-ah! Lovely Leiah, whatever happened I can assure you the effects are temporary and you should be be back to normal- oh Dear Reaper what are you doing!"

Leiah practically bolted right at the King at such inhuman speed, Catarina was blown away. Hallow on the other hand, rose his hands up defensively as the aggressive looking woman pounced right on him with a loud screech.

"Dearest Hallow, forgive me for what I said earlier! I do want to marry you!"

Hallow let out a horrified wail as he attempted to peal the desperate girl off of him, "What in the- Cat what have you done?!"

Catarina stood up from the floor with a dumbfounded expression, wondering just how strong her love potion was. It was powerful enough to kill Leiah and bring her  back from the dead. With a few coughs of discomfort, she cautiously made her way towards Leiah- who was desperately trying to keep her arms around Hallow's neck.

"Hallow, I think she's going to be like this for a while."

The King growled loudly, managing to toss the princess aside. He thought he was free of her for at least a minute, but she was clinging on to him again in a matter of seconds.

"This isn't the Leiah I know. This is some sort of succubus!"

Leiah's lovestruck eyes connected with Hallow's own, and she desperately pressed her lips against his own carved mouth, "Take me Hallow," the girl whispered, gently caressing the side of his face, "Take me right now."

"...Catarina, I'm going to go on a rampage." He groaned with a roll of his eyes and patted leiah's head with a large hand, "Don't you have a party to put together? It will be for our wedding, of course. Do take your time."

Leiah finally hopped off of him, nodding vigorously in excitement, "Yes! I'll be finished in an hour and then we can finally be husband and wife." She bounced away from the room before she could receive a proper response, leaving Catarina and Hallow breathless.

"Well now things can finally go our way."

"She's desperate and clingy. We'll have to get rid of her soon."

Catarina waved her hand in the air, as if trying to push away his thoughts, "The others will know about the marriage soon and come to visit. Its best if Leiah is alive by then, but not in her current state. She has to return to her normal self."

"She's dead. What can possibly bring her back to life? And what if she tells them we tricked her into marrying me?"

Catarina sighed, trying to take all that into consideration, "I'll think of something. For now, just try to prepare for your wedding."

"I'm going to hate every minute of today, and it is your fault!" Hallow pouted, muttering under his breathe as he shivered at the thought of running into Leiah again. He was already missing her old, cautious self.

"You wanted to take over this kingdom, right? Well then, here's your opportunity. You'll thank me later."

"Much later, kitten."

Catarina strolled towards the broken doorway, contemplating the ripped apart door with a raised eyebrow, "I'll start inviting some guests to ask as witnesses in case something happens." She stepped out, glancing to her right when someone came up in her peripheral vision.

It was Tyrell, standing menacingly by the throne room entrance without a word. Catarina looked him over with a slight shake of her head, "Hallow, your pet is here."

"Finally someone normal. Come here, my faithful knight."

Tyrell marched in the second he was addressed, pushing past an annoyed Cat. He made his way directly towards Hallow, falling down on one knee with his head bowed. Hallow tapped his fingers together, beaming with pride," I have an important task for you. I'm marrying a lunatic today, and I need you to stay guard outside in case some uninvited guests show up. You'll know who they are when you see them."

With a wave of his hand, Hallow dismissed his executioner. The menacing creature stood up, bowed, and retreated back out of the room.

Now alone, Hallow groaned in despair, sliding down the throne as he stamped his boot on the floor. In order for his plan to take place, so much had changed, he wondered if the outcome would be what he expected.

The walls creaked as the wind outside blew against the castle. Hallow silently inspected a nearby window, examining the dark world outside in its entirety. His gaze floated over the village, the cemetery, and ultimately the pumpkin patch.

He stared at the lit area for a while, reminiscing on past memories he had shared there with Leiah and Tyrell. If he focused hard enough, he could even hear her excited chatter again.

Hallow frowned, breaking away from the window without a word.

Tyrell and leiah were the only two who truly loved Halloween, and now, the both of them were mindless, obedient puppets. Hallow thought he would love it, but to his disappointment he was starting to grow tired of it all.

Things had gone too far to change anything now, though. The King stood up from the throne, stepping over the door to make his way outside.

The halls were empty and the world was quiet. He figured now would be a good time for a walk before the inevitable happened. If everything went according to plan, then maybe just maybe he would feel better than before.


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