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Your head ached as you finally came to your senses. You must've been dreaming, but it definitely wasn't peaceful. It had just thrown you back into the terrible reality of having to choose your mate, but a part of you just didn't want to deal with it anymore. Your breath was labored, and there was a cold sweat covering your forehead. When you reached up to wipe it away, you were surprised to find both of your hands restrained.

Your eyes snapped open as your last memory fluttered into your head. Two men had approached you and then shot a sedation dart at you, knocking you unconscious and rendering you to their complete will. No... they weren't men. They were werewolf hunters. You hadn't even known they actually existed, but that realization made you start to panic. Usually hunters intended to kill their target.

Twisting your body, you tried to free yourself from your restraints, but you quickly discovered that your hand restraints weren't the only thing on you. Your legs were also anchored down in the chair you were in, and your torso was also strapped in. No matter how much you tried to struggle, it seemed useless. The material was clearly made out of something rather strong, so even with your werewolf strength, you couldn't seem to break free.

You would've tried shouting for help, too, but there was a cloth pulling in between your teeth, making it impossible to speak, not that it would've mattered. Realizing that struggling against your restraints only seemed to harm you, you looked around the room to see where you were exactly. It was dark, but your eyes had no issues with seeing all the details. The walls, floors, and ceiling seem to be made out of concert, and your felt a little claustrophobic being in such a trapped prison-like area.

Even if you had made it out of your restraints, you had no idea how you would manage to break out of the room. There were claws marks engraved into the gray walls, which told you that you weren't the first one in this little room, and based off the desperation the claw marks showed, you were pretty sure that no one had managed to escape before.

The real panic began to set in, and whimpers filled the room as you imagined dying in this room, slowly and torturously alone. You doubted that anyone knew where you were, and even if they did, the werewolf hunters were clearly prepared against werewolves, so you weren't sure if a rescue would even be possible. The room almost shrank as terrible fears filled your head, and you knew your eyes were glistening.

The door creaked, and you suddenly tried to calm yourself down. The last thing you wanted to do was seem weak in front of your kidnappers. Two men walked into the room, flicking on the lights, and the shorter one held a loaded crossbow pointed at you, while the other one seemed completely calm.

"There's no use in struggling; although based off the bruises on your wrists, you already discovered that," the one without a crossbow said with a confident smile. "You see, we're basically pros at this now, and we know exactly how to handle a werewolf, especially a female. Although, if we're right, you're no ordinary female, are you?"

Your eyes flicked to his. How could he possibly know you had the alpha gene? Even you didn't know that for the longest time, so how could a non-werewolf have such details? Your heart started pounding in your chest, and you knew this wasn't good.

"Don't panic too much." The one without the crossbow definitely seemed to be more in charge, and you felt like he was taunting you. "We aren't going to kill you... yet."

Your chest tightened at the word yet, and you struggled in your restraints, despite knowing that even if you did escape, there was a good chance you wouldn't have been able to get past them anyway. When you gave up on struggling, he started to talk again.

"Maybe it'd make you feel better if you knew our names. I'm Namjoon, and this is V," the confident one explained.

"You probably know us as the Winchesters, werewolf hunters," V announced with a smile.

A Lone Wolf • Mark Tuan Where stories live. Discover now