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Mark felt sick. How could he not? He had pushed you away, right into the arms of Jaebum, and he knew you had fucked him. He didn't know who to blame, so he blamed everyone. He blamed Jaebum for putting thoughts of your death in his head and tricking him into pushing you away. He blamed himself for actually falling for Jaebum's trick and pushing the woman he loved away. He also blamed you. He couldn't understand how it was so easy for you to just betray him like that, even if you were mated with Jaebum.

He paced back and forth in the living room, silently being destroyed by his own thoughts. Youngjae watched quietly, unsure of what to say or do. Mark tended to be on the more quiet side, but usually it was because he was just doing his own thing or silently observing. This time it was different. Mark was filled with emotions, and Youngjae couldn't tell if Mark was furious or depressed or scared. Mark didn't even know which feeling was dominant, because they all came in little flashes, and sometimes they all hit him at once.

Mark suddenly stopped moving, his eyes wide.

The sudden stop in motion alarmed Youngjae. "Mark?" Youngjae said, standing up and watching the alpha closely.

Something didn't feel right, but Mark couldn't put his finger on it. Fear overwhelmed him for a moment, but then the emotions calmed. He shook his head, writing it off as just another flash of emotions. It was hard keeping track of his own feelings, because he could sense you and there was still a trace of Jaebum's emotions left in him. Mark started pacing again, ignoring Youngjae completely. He was only vaguely aware of a second person in the room, his thoughts flying through his skull, going over every detail again and again.

Mark hated the idea of you and Jaebum together, and he feared that's how it would always be. He didn't want to lose you like that, even if he was angry, but he didn't know if he had the right to get you back. He had felt how much you enjoyed your little rendezvous with Jaebum, and it made his heart hurt. If you enjoyed being with Jaebum so much, maybe Mark wasn't meant to be with you. Maybe Mark was meant to be alone. The others had left him after all, and there had to be a reason for it.

The door handle moved, and Mark froze, his eyes darting towards the door. There was a pang of hope in Mark's eyes. He desperately wanted it to be you that came through that door, but he knew it wasn't. He could easily sense who it was at the door, but his emotions overtook his knowledge, which only hurt him more in the end when Jackson walked through the door.

Jackson looked distraught, and his eyes avoided Mark's at all costs, even though Mark's gaze was glued to him. Mark had told Jackson not to go find you, but Jackson refused to listen. Jackson knew this whole thing was a mistake, so he wanted to apologize to you for Mark and make you come back, but it had been too late. Before Jackson had even arrived at Jaebum's hideout, Mark already felt you and Jaebum together.

Jackson didn't know what to say, so silence ensued. He knew that Mark knew about the two of you, and it pained him almost as much as it pained Mark, but Jackson wasn't sure who to blame anymore. He had blamed you at first, but after your whole spiel, he wasn't sure if that was right either. Too often emotions overtook logic, and who was Jackson to say that you should've been able to resist the temptation of one of your mates. It wasn't like he had found his mate.

"Mark," Jackson finally said, getting the courage to speak. "She hasn't picked him over you. This isn't over yet."

"Maybe it is," Mark said. "I'm not sure I deserve her anymore."

Youngjae felt relieved when the silence was broken. Jackson was much better at talking to Mark than he had ever been. "But it's not your fault. Well, not one hundred percent," Youngjae tried to add.

"Youngjae is right," Jackson chimed in. "Jaebum tricked you."

"I was stupid enough to fall for it though." Mark's voice was quiet, which made it difficult to read his mood.

A Lone Wolf • Mark Tuan Where stories live. Discover now