Chapter 3

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(f/t) = favourite thing

Your POV

Still feeling confuse, I decided to open the envelope. Inside the envelope contain some pictures but the next thing I saw the pictures shocked me...


Third POV

"No....It can't be. She can't be like this. She's nice and she...she...Ah! Just forget it!" you said, shoving those pictures back to his chest.

He look at you, dumbfounded with the sudden rage.

"Beside, she's a nice girl. That's just probably her old friend," you said, feeling confident with the answer you gave.

Len was quiet for a while before he scoffed.

"Old friend, huh? If he was her old friend, then they won't greet each other like this..." he said, giving you another picture...


Meantime in Karolina High...

"Woah, can't believe she's a terrible cheater," Rin scoffed, looking at the pictures that Neru gave me.

"To be honest, I don't really like that leek freak," said Gumi as she put back one of the picture harshly, giving it a hateful look.

Rin look at Gumi, feeling a little confuse with her statement. "What do you mean by that?"

Before she could continue, the school bell rings, telling that the first period of school had now started. Students filled the class.

"I'll tell you during recess, okay?" she said and preparing her stuff for her first lesson.


At Vocal Academy...
Your POV

I feel confuse a little with what he said but my thought had been answer when he give me the last picture.

The last picture was her with his old friend...KISSING??!!

"What??!! This must be a joke! She wouldn't do this to me!" I said, feeling rage with the picture.

Len could only do nothing but shrug. "Okay then, if you don't trust me then fine. But don't come crying after this," he teased before going back to his seat.

"Huh! Like I would!" I scoffed before sitting at my desk.

Even though I said I didn't believe but there is doubt inside me. Did she really cheat on me? Am I not good enough? I'm popular and girls come to me like a flock of birds coming for food!

While I was lost with my mind, someone hugged me from behind.

"(Y/n)!!!! Did you miss me sweetheart?" said Miku with her cute voice.

"Nope! Not in a slight chance," I said, teasing her back and look at her at the shoulder.

"Hmp! Meanie!" she pout, punch me lightly at the shoulder before taking her seat in front of me.

I laugh at the cute face before looking back but then my smile fade when I look at her. Did she really cheat on me?

"Hey, are you okay? You look pale. Are you sick?" she ask me with a slight worries on her face.

I look at her and shook my head lightly. "No, I'm just wondering if you had any gift for me," I flirtatiously said to her.

"Nope! Not in a slight chance!" she answered, teasing me using my words.

I playfully pout and cross my arms before looking at the other way. "Hmp! Meanie!"

But then she giggle before she put a wrapped gift on my desk.

"I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously, baka!" she laugh and push the gift to me.

I laugh and take the gift in front of me. I slowly unwrap the wrapper. I was surprise to see (f/t) in front of me.

"Wow! Seriously?! Is this for me?!" I look at her. Big smile forming on my face.

"Of course it's for you dummy! Who else want to give you?" she laugh.

I then pull her into a quick kiss before sitting back. "Thank you so much Miku! I love you!"

She giggle before answering back. "Of course you love me. I'm your girlfriend after all."

But then those thoughts came back. Did she really cheat on me with some random guy? But soon I brush it off, deciding to think it later.


That's a quick and rush chapter...😓
And I'm really sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooong absent. I'm lacking of idea now 😓😓

And seriously! This is the crappiest, shortest and cringiest chapter that ever exist in this story! But I hope you like anyway...and please don't kill me...😓😓

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