➵ I. New Life

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Present time...
Saturday, December 9th, 2017, 7:00pm

Tattoo on Rei's left shoulder ^

Rei's POV

I groan and open my eyes slightly.

The sun is setting. Huh, I slept most of the day. Not bad.

The smell of vomit and blood is still heavy on the air, but I'm used to it. This isn't the first time I've been caught by a pack and put in their prison.

The floor is cold beneath me. My enchanted golden chain necklace is a small weight against my neck as I look up at the ceiling. The necklace is how my rogues communicate. It lets them mind-link anyone else wearing one, no matter what race they are. Small enough not to slip over the head, anyone who tries to forcefully remove a Chain is burned.

And my Chain has an enchantment on it to prevent my clothes from ripping when I shift.

A lot has changed over the past year and ten months. For starters, I'm now a hybrid; I've been gifted with a witch named Lyria's power, necromancy, talking with dead souls, and what she learned of telepathy. I can sometimes feel a dead soul pushing in my mind, wanting to talk to me. That took some time to get used to. Somehow, I've also gained the ability to create and control fire... Maybe that has to do with how Lyria died.

Her younger siblings Killian, Clove, Chase and Rhea, and Killian's once-abused boyfriend Zaine, have become my family. All of them are witches/warlocks.

Killian's dark brown hair is short, and his dark brown eyes often hold mischief, that little man-child. He's about nine months older than me and can enhance his abilities, like speed, strength or the five senses, but he can only enhance one at a time.

Clove is a day younger than me and her power is telekinesis. Her auburn hair hangs in curls to slightly above the middle of her back and her brown eyes are usually eyeing up boys or helping to watch her younger siblings, Chase and Rhea.

They're twins, both with chestnut hair and brown eyes. They're only five, so they're still too young to gain their power.

Then Zaine, who's two months younger than Killian, can change his appearance, like Tonks from HP. But his real appearance is dark brown, almost black, eyes and black hair that he styles to look like Cole Sprouse. And no matter what, he can't change or use his power to hide a small birth mark being his left ear that's shaped like a swirl.

Now me. Not too much has changed about my appearance. My black hair is still the same, long and straight. My eyes changed from the usual rouge-red to be more fire-like, with hints of orange and yellow constantly swirling and dancing within.

Now personality wise, I've grown a lot more confident and brave. I'm not afraid of so many things anymore. But one fear has remained, even if if has lessened... The fear of facing my mate. He took back his rejection the day I was banished. I don't get it, if he was just going to take it back, why banish me?

I've only gone back to Moonblood once, and that was seven months after I was banished. They didn't recognize me, and I had business to do; killing my mother and Alpha Leon. I almost had my hands on Kia but she was saved by my twin. As much as I wanted to kill Kia, I can't hate my brother for getting in my way; he was just doing his duty of protecting his pack.

I've really made a life for myself and my non-blood-related family, even though we're rogues. Our rogue group is called the Royals. I'm the leader, the Rogue Queen. Killian is my best fighter, Clove is the hacker, Zaine is a great spy and Chase and Rhea supply stress relief. While we're out on a mission, the twins usually stay with the Healer or Unity rogue groups, but that doesn't mean we neglect them.

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