➵ XL. Reviving

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Tuesday, February 20th, 2018, 9:00am

Rei's POV


I turn, hearing the shout and see the Healers running towards us.

They weren't here during the battle. We agreed they're too valuable to take the risk of losing. I mean, sure, Serena could keep herself alive for a while if she was injured, but she does have a limit at which she becomes too weak to heal and needs a break. They are nearby however, ready to step in when it ended.

"Asher, good to see you," Jordan says, giving Asher a soft smile, which he returns with a nod.

"Here, let me see," Serena mumbles, tilting my head to see my cheek. I wince slightly at the unnerving feeling and slight pain of my skin stitching itself back together, Serena's power healing it. "There we go. It's healed as much as I can heal, but I can't get rid of the scar."

I nod, "thanks, Serena."

"Of course."

She bustles off to help everyone else, Quinn and Amara going with her. Reese, Dexter and Jordan stay with us.

"Everyone alright?" Killian asks, his appearance now back to his own, instead of the redheaded disguise from earlier.

We all nod. Everyone's alright (physically at least), sporting a few injuries, but nothing life-threatening.

"So," Dexter says, clapping his hands together, "should we start cleaning up?"

I look around at the bodies littering the blood-covered snow. We can't just leave them here. We'll need to gather them up, see if anyone knows who they are and wants to claim the body. Otherwise the bodies will be burned and the ashes released to the wind.

Thatcher's rogues have all been captured, at least, the ones who participated in the battle have been. There are still countless other rogue groups around the country, but if they didn't show up when Thatcher told them to in an order Daring told me about, then I doubt they want anything to do with Thatcher's previously hidden master plan.

My Royals, Scott, Dean, Four, Max, AJ, Reese, Dexter, Jordan and some of my other rogues start cleaning up, moving the bodies and lying them next to each other a short ways away. Raiden, Daring, River, Hellor, Nick, Drake and Blake stay with Asher and I for a while longer.

"What happens to the kingdom now?" Blake asks.

"I'll be taking over as King," Daring replies, looking around at the captured rogues.

"Is that a good idea?" Raiden says skeptically. "if you're rogue King, can we truly trust that something like this won't happen again?"

"I believe that destroying the kingdom and giving the rogues complete, unsupervised free reign may eventually build up to something like this," Daring says. "With no one watching their activity, someone could try something without being noticed. You all have other duties as Alphas to attend to, and I doubt rogues will answer to you anyway. It was part of my job to make sure there were no rebellions or uprisings against Thatcher, I can make sure no one tries to build up a rogue army."

"So you're saying rogue attacks would be completely random, up to the the rogue groups to decide, like how we believed it was done?" Drake asks.

Daring nods. "Having the attacks is better than having no rogue attacks at all. It keeps everyone's skills sharp, training and sparring can only do so much. You never know what future problems might occur where we'll need to fight. The Kingdom prevents completely insane rogues too. If it helps, I swear to the Moon Goddess that I will do my best to make sure nothing like this ever happens again, and I'll willingly work with and report to you with 100% honesty if requested."

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