➵ VII. Flawless Suspicion

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Tuesday, December 19th, 2017, 8:00am

***Flawless - Beyoncé

Asher's POV

"Congrats, Denny," Scott says, grinning. "Finally found your mate."

Raiden nods, smiling."Yeah... She's beautiful, I'm glad I waited..."

"What is it?" I ask, concerned.

"I don't trust them," Raiden murmurs, thinking. "And it's not just because we don't know them real well. They're hiding something."

"What makes you think that?" Dean asks.

"Think about it," Raiden replies. "They're all supposed to be siblings, right? Well, Zaine's Killian's boyfriend, but in the forest, when Asher got a little possessive, Zaine said he sees her as a sister, and so do the rest of their friends. Friends, not siblings."

"And before that," I add, seeing what he means. "Autumn said Kia was mates with Zaine's boyfriend, her other best friend."

"So you think they're lying about being siblings?" Scott asks.

Raiden nods. "And maybe more than just that. I mean, Zaine pretended to be a girl. Who knows what else they're hiding. What the rest of them can do, their abilities as witches and warlocks."

"Do you think Zaine could've been lying when he said he can't use his power on others?" Dean mumbles.

I see Raiden's eyes widen, as if he suddenly thought of something. He doesn't elaborate, so I let him keep it to himself until he wants to share.

"It's a possibility," I say. "But they seem like no genuine threat. Zaine seems like a great guy, and so does Killian."

"And our mates," Raiden adds. "The younger twins, Chase and Rhea, they're too young to be a threat, right?"

I nod in agreement. "So innocent until proven guilty?"

"Sounds good," Scott says.

Dean and Raiden agree.

Raiden scowls slightly. "Come on, we should probably get ready for school."

"I don't wanna go," I whine.

"You can see Autumn," Scott says.

I groan. "Fine. Let's go."

Rei's POV

You made a good choice, Lyria's voice echoes in my head.

You really think so? I ask.

Going back and giving Asher another chance will be one of the best decisions you've ever made, she replies.

I feel a push in my mind, another spirit wanting to talk to me. I can tell it's Leon, Asher's dad, the man who abused me not just to keep his affair a secret, but because he enjoyed hitting me.

I ignore the push and block him out.

Rei, Lyria says. Thank you, for taking care of my family.

I should be thanking you all for taking care of me, I reply. You took me in, a complete stranger. You saved me.

A sudden and sharp stab of pain hits me, making me hiss.

This is the end of this conversation, for now, Lyria says. I'll talk to you again soon, Rei.

Bye Lyria, I whisper.

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