Chapter 18

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"Let's go in," Nathaniel told standing up. He held his hand to help me stand and I took it. I gave him a bright smile and was rewarded with the same. We walked into his office while Lauren was busy doing some paperwork. She didn't even look up for a moment it did make me wonder was she harmful to my plan or not. As we got enclosed in his small office I walked up to my place near the window. It was the only place I loved the most. The twinkling lights of the city and the fact that life was going on while I was enclosed in my own mind gave me peace in some context.

"How has your day been?" he asked me getting settled into his seat.

"It started as every other day but now it's all gloomy," I replied turning around with a tilt to my head and my lips turned down.

"Why?" he asked with a curiosity.

"I heard this is going to be the last time we are going to meet for a while," I told walking towards his desk and standing in front of it, opposite him. He looked at me for a few seconds too long and then shook his head before smiling away.

"It's just a month and I think I deserve the break," he replied but didn't mention his marriage, the reason behind I have come for him and tried to make a place in his life.

"How would you survive a month without all this?" I asked waving at our surroundings. "Without your patients, your work and me," I added looking intently at him. His blue eyes bore into my green ones burning with something unknown to me.

"I'm getting married," the words slipped out of his mouth as if an automatic response. Those words had no emotion, no happiness, nothing at all.

"Congratulations then," my tone wasn't cheerful but filled with a sarcastic undertone. We held onto each other stares for few minutes. A connection formed between us. I could feel his eyes under my skin, peeling off the layers of pretense that hid real me from him. The air inside his office had shifted. It was something that was filled with an undertone of love and lust. It made me lost like no one else. It felt like I was high on something.

"Your secretary already told me about the wedding," I said with a smile breaking the connection building between us. It was dangerous and harmful for my sanity. It hit me at my core and touched my soul. "I'll wish for a happy married life for you," I added.

"Thank you," He whispered but his eyes didn't set off on me. He wasn't studying me as a subject, I knew because I have been taught the same things he had been in our studies of psychology.

"So, what have you planned for us today?" I asked with curiosity. I had to take every step with caution to have him in the right place at the right time.

"I wanted to touch a major part before I left for my break," he said taking out a notepad. "I want to know about the darkest nightmare you have lived," his voice took serious note and the smile wept away from my face. My darkest nightmare hadn't broken me it had killed a part of me. I could never have that part back. I wanted to laugh out loud. Here I was trying to break his life apart while he was trying to mend mine. On one end I was planning to destroy everything we had and another end he was going to break me by making me put out my worst.

"Evelyn," he called out several times before he got my attention. For a second, I had even forgotten that it was me who he was calling. I looked at him. The thought of dropping my plan had passed through my mind for a second but I pushed it off as dirt on me. I couldn't let it all go but every second passing with him, his presence made me question mine in his life.

"Are you alright?" he asked with concern in his eyes. I nodded to him and gave him a small smile. I waited for another five minutes before giving him a reply. I acted like I was in deep thought but I was just waiting for the right opportunity to act on.

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