Chapter 39

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Two months later.........

The soothing voice of my husband's laugh enticed me as I looked at him through the door of our kitchen. Few people surrounded him; woman stared at him making me jealous but nothing mattered. He was mine as much as I was his and now the world knew it too. Today was our wedding reception as well as our going away party. This place wasn't for us, that is what Aaron had decided in the middle of the night and I had followed him on this. All I had here were just memories that I didn't want to remember any longer.

We were shifting to Seattle. He had talked to his father about it last week the same time when he had told him that he has married me. We still had to see him face to face because there was no idea about how he felt about his first's son's ex marrying his other son. Aaron has himself been tight lipped about their conversation making me anxious.

So much had changed in last two months that I didn't even remember what sadness and unhappiness had been in my life. Aaron, my handsome dearest husband has shown me his undying love in each and every second we have been together. He had shown me what real love and marriage had been. There wasn't a day I hadn't thanked the God for giving him back to him. He had given me scare when he had asked me who I was and I had tried to be angry at him for it but I had laxed when he told me it wasn't on purpose. He told me that he didn't remember anything in the first few second, he woke up. Doctors said that it was normal that it happened sometimes but he was thoroughly checked for few days to come to the conclusion that everything was perfect before he was released under my care.

Coming home never had felt so wonderful.

That was when we had started our real marriage. A bond carved out of true love.

Aaron stared at me through the throng of people around him. His eyes asking me to come to him and I went. It was hard to be away from him when he was close. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Just keep our naked bodies wrapped inside the sheets as we made love. It was our sacred heaven. Neither him nor I wanted to get out.

Gentle and happy smiles greeted me as I passed around the people. I hardly knew them besides the few neighbours I had ran past during our morning runs. Most of them were Aaron's friend or family from his mother's side. His aunt had given us her blessing telling how much how happy she was for Aaron. No judgemental eyes to judge me. No comments made about my past. I was accepted into his family with open arms. They were glad that Aaron had someone to love and cherish him but it was him who was cherishing and loving me.

"Serilda," Aaron's cousin Cassidy tugged my arm, she was closer to my age, she made me divert my way from going to Aaron. I saw him shake his head through the corner of my eyes.

"Come here, I want you to meet Hilda. She is really excited to meet you. She and James, Her husband just arrived from Italy though it wasn't advisable for her to travel but she really couldn't stop herself," the happiness and eagerness of her voice made me realise that how much I was surrounded by love and happiness.

"I mean I can't tell you happy the whole family had been when we have heard that Aaron was married," there was a bounce in her step as eh led me to Hilda and that was when I saw who I assumed to be her. She was heavily pregnant.

"Hilda, I have her!" Cassidy yelled with all her excitement. Her eyes rose to see me with a happiness lurking in them.

"Serilda, this is Hilda. She is the only cousin who has been closest to Aaron and even she didn't know that he married," she waved her hands around as we walked side by side.

"And I wanted to see it with my own eyes the girl who even hid from me," Hilda cut her off as she moved towards me. "Aaron and I had never kept any secrets between us since we were kids. We were like a real brother and sister. So please excuse me if it comes a little hard to me that he kept you a secret all along," there was nothing but happiness in those eyes.

SerildaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora