Chapter 23

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"What?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"I want you for my brother. If Serena isn't who she is I don't want her for my brother. I can take a chance of believing in you and on that basis help you out but what would my brother get in return. I want to secure his future," her words didn't give away any emotions.

"So I'm the second best option, the plan B?" I ask away with a bitter heart. "If my sister fails to be the person who she really is so I'm to take her place just like before isn't it? However, if I'm unable to make you believe that she is the monster I speak of then you would let her have a happily ever after with Serena? Is that what you are suggesting?"

"No," her reply comes sharp. "I'm giving you an option either you agree to my terms or else walk away from the wedding for once and all right now," her words kept on leaving me wordless. I could see everything fall apart. Everything I had worked so hard for the last few months.

"So, I don't have an option really? Either do as you say or leave out of here to let Serena destroy your brother's life? Do you really care about your brother?" I questioned her loudly but her face doesn't show a hint of emotion. It feels like she had grown emotionless.

"I really care about him and it is the only reason I'm giving you an option or else I wouldn't have really minded having you hauled up and out of this wedding? I really don't care what Serena has done because the only thing I care about is Nathaniel's happiness. Before he and Serena started dating me and my parents had always been worried about him. He never came, never showed up at family dinners or even talked to us. He had become a ghost of himself and we didn't know why. Nothing had happened with him but three years back he just stopped existing. Your sister brought him back to life, back to his life so I really don't care what she did to you or how she destroyed your life. All I want is my brother living, happy and not returning back to the person who he had turned into. The only reason I'm giving you an option because I see love in his eyes for you and I think that he might be able to have a happier future with you than Serena," Chyna wasn't really who I had expected to her. It made me question that did humanity really exist in the world or everything was just give and take in this world. I could understand where she was coming from it wasn't worth enough stooping down to this low. She was a loving and concerned sister someone who would do anything for her family. For a second, I admired her but then the reality crashed in with the ugly truth of what she was making me do. I was on a drowning boat that was in between a sea with sharks around me. I couldn't step out and I couldn't stay in but all I knew was that I was going to die.

"You're just like Serena, inhumane," I spat out making her face flare up in anger.

"Don't compare me to her. I'm who I'm because I decided this way to be and it really helps me in my profession of being a surgeon or else I would have spent the rest of my life hauled up in my room because I couldn't save everyone who was laid down on the table in front of me," she retorted. Looking at the time on her watch she looked down upon me.

"What do you choose? Getting kicked out or being with Nathaniel?" I had to choose one of the lesser evils. If I walked out of here then all would be lost. My only chance to ever unveil the truth of who Serena was would be gone with me bound in a marriage that was filled with nothing but hatred. If the truth didn't come out Erik wouldn't ever leave me and if he didn't I would never be able to breathe freely and happily with Aaron. Aaron, I was going to lose him in both the cases. Whether I choose to walk away from all this or decided to stay I would be turning my back against Aaron. The clock was ticking and I had to choose. How could have life been so unfair with me? How could I end up with a fate like such? What had I done deserve this? Tears welled up in my eyes with my heart aching for Aaron. He was the only one who believed in me and who was there for me. I was going to give him up at all cost.

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