23 You Saved Me

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We stop just as we make it to the door of the waiting vehicle. “Alright,” Toph says to our attractive new photographer, “I want everything recorded. His reactions to everything. Our interactions. Everything.” Then he turns to me, “And you,” he kisses my nose, “have to pretend Evan isn’t here. We can invite him and his husband out to dinner another night if you want to become friends, but today he has a job to do.”

“I would actually really like to ask them out to dinner sometime,” I pout up at him.

He smirks, “I knew you would. That’s why people love you so much. You’re a genuinely nice person. I don’t know where the media got your bad boy image.”

“I can be bad,” I point out with a hitched brow. Then realize something important and turn to our photographer, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t even ask you your husband’s name. I apologize.”

“No, it’s fine. His name is Walter,” he nods before turning to Toph. “I’m ready when you are.”

Gaining my attention, Toph opens the door for me and gestures inside. He climbs in after I do and shuts the door behind him. We wait a few moments and watch as Evan takes a few photos of the outside of the limo before climbing in and taking a seat opposite of us. At that point, I pretty much just ignore him all together.

As we take off, my husband grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, “Would you like some champagne?”

“You really did go all out, yeah?”

His half smile is adorable, “Only for you.” As he says it, he leans toward the bucket of ice and glasses. He brings the bottle over to us and lets my hand go to open it.

Needless to say, with Topher’s clumsiness, a pop cork, and a small space, my eye is missed by a very small margin.

After he gets it poured and we’re out of danger’s way, he lifts his glass to me, “This is to you, Damian. You mean more to me than I could explain in some silly speech in the back of a limo. But I want you to know, you are the single most important person in my life and I’m proud to call you my husband.”

I feel lame when I say, “You mean the world to me.” In all reality, he does, but it sounds so silly in comparison. I’ve never been great with words.

We aren’t in the limo long before Topher insist that I put on a blindfold. It’s really unnecessary in my opinion since eventually I’m going to know where we are, but he doesn’t want to ruin the surprise. I play along for his sake.

“Okay,” he’s right next to my ear and the vibration of his voice sends a shiver down my spine. “When I take this off, keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” I chuckle to hide how much he’s affecting me. “Let’s do this.”

I feel the cloth slip from my face, but keep my eyes closed as he says.

“Okay, open them,” he shouts clearly further away from me.

Peeking open, I have to blink a few times to get the stinging for the bright lighting. But as soon as I clear my vision, I see my husband holding a CD case standing in front of a counter. It takes me a second longer to realize that the counter he’s standing in front of belongs to a spa. That’s when my jaw drops.

“We’re at a spa,” I state as though he doesn’t know.

He nods as his smile increases, “Yep and we are going to have a little pampering. This,” he holds out the small case, “is a mix of songs that I made for us to listen to while the make us feel good. I noticed the one you made while we ate this morning and I have to say, we’re best friends for a reason. It’s almost identical to this.”

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