28 Tommy Parker

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I don’t know when she found the time to do it, but in between cooking, cleaning, hosting Angela’s birthday party, and entertaining us, mum invited a whole bunch of people to the reception/get together.

Topher and I had snuck out after the whole emotional thing to get a couple button-down shirts and nice trousers. I got a tie as well since the sales lady said it would pull everything together; whatever that means. Toph hates wearing ties, but said it looked nice on me.

We’re getting ready in my old room now to prepare for the day ahead of us when my fingers decide they don’t want to work. Chris sees me struggling with my tie and decides to put me of out my misery.

“What’s wrong, babe?” He asks as he unties the monstrosity all together.

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair, “I’m just not looking forward to this whole thing.”

“Why not?” He starts to retie the neckwear without a second pause.

“My whole family from my mum’s side is going to be here. Even gran and granddad are coming. Gran is pretty much senile, so she’ll be seated quietly. She doesn’t talk anymore at all, but granddad is very opinionated,” I admit looking into his eyes.

“You’re afraid he won’t like that you married a man?” He guesses as he finishes the knot. I nod, looking away from him, until he puts a hand on either side of my face. Gently, he moves my face back to look at him, “I’ll still be here either way.”

“I know,” I smile as I lean forward and press our lips together quickly. “We should probably go see if mum needs any help setting up.”

After slipping on our shoes, my husband and I go try to find the woman that gave birth to me twenty three years ago. She ends up being in the kitchen.

“Hey mum, you need any help?” I ask as we walk in.

She turns and brushes her hands on her apron as she looks us over. Holding her hands out, her face morphs into adoration, “Look at you two.” She grabs one of my hands and one of Toph’s, squeezing lightly, “You both look so handsome.”

“Thanks, mom,” Chris says with a huge smile on his face. His elation with the simple compliment makes me happier than I would like to admit.

I tear my eyes away from his face to look at mum as she lets go of us, “Do you need our help?”

Taking off her apron, she runs her hands down the front of the dress she’s wearing, “No thank you, Ducky. I have everything in order. All we need now is the people.”

“Who’s coming today?” Toph ask before taking my hand and leading me to sit down at the kitchen table.

“Well,” mum thinks about it for a second, “I know mum and dad are coming. I think my sister Eliza is coming. I know for a fact Charlie is coming.”

“Uncle Charlie is coming?” I interrupt a bit excited.

Mum smiles, sitting down across from me, “Yes, your Uncle Charlie will be here. He got a day off to come see you. Said he couldn’t wait.” Then her thinking face appears, “I also invited a couple neighbors and told Marcy to invite whatever close friends are still in town. Should be quite a gathering.”

“At least Uncle Charlie will be here,” I sit back against my chair. “You did tell them this was a wedding party, yea?”

“Well,” she looks away, “not exactly.”

“Mum!” I shout at her, “What did you tell them?”

“I said it was because you were in town and wanted to see everyone. I didn’t think it was my business to announce your wedding. You can do that when everyone gets here,” she explains as she stands from the table. “Now, go make sure your sister is ready.”

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