25 Positive

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Arriving at our building is possibly the best sight in the whole world. I’m so exhausted from the entire trip that I just want to go upstairs and cuddle up with my husband – whom I’m about to surprise.

I got an earlier flight in (right after I got done at Riel’s house) and didn’t tell him about it. So right now, it’s stupid o’clock in the morning and I’m about to sneak into my own bed. There are so many possibilities of this going wrong.

As I walk into the lobby, I pass by an overnight doorman who asks me if I want to be paged up. I tell him no and not to let my husband know I’m on my way.

The lift works in two ways. You can either be paged up (meaning they page your intercom system and ask you to press the button accepting whomever to your floor) or you can put in your code on the lift panel and it will bring you up to your floor. That way, you always know who is coming to your flat.

Waiting to get to my floor seems to take forever, but when it finally dings I feel excited. I can’t wait to see Topher.

Not only do you have to know the code or be accepted up, every flat has a key. It’s only one flat per floor, but there is still a door once you get off the lift. It’s for more privacy and I think it cuts down on the noise too.

My key decides to take a little more effort today and wants to be as loud as possible. By the time I get in and the door shut behind me, Topher comes around the corner in his boxers and his purple toothbrush in his mouth.

A smile makes its way to my face as his bottom jaw drops, “You almost lost your toothbrush, love.”

His mouth turns into a foamy grin as he realizes what’s going on. He quickly walks over to the kitchen sink to spit out the toothpaste, “What are you doing home?”

“That’s no welcome,” I set my stuff down where I am and meet him half way in between the kitchen and the front door. My arms encircle his waist as his do the same, “Where’s my ‘happy to see you’ or ‘I’m glad you’re home’?”

Without saying another word, he plants his lips on mine. As our tongues dance and arms pull each other closer, I take in everything that is Topher.

“I’m so glad you’re home,” he pulls away just so our lips brush as he talks.

Giving him a small peck, I step away and take his hand in mine, “Good, now can we go to bed? I’m really knackered.”

He chuckles as we walk to our room, only stopping for a second to lock the front door and take my coat off me, “Not that I’m not ecstatic, but why are you home so early?”

“I got a flight out last night,” I admit. “I didn’t want to stay at the hotel anymore. I wanted to be home with you. Why are you awake? It’s not even five in the morning.”

“Well, I was going to get some stuff done before you got home and then pick you up at the airport.”

“Stuff like what?” I ask as I sit on the bed to untie my shoes. In an effort, I get the first undone, but Topher sees me struggling and comes to help.

He kneels in front of me to untie and take off the rest of my footwear, “Just stuff. Nothing important. Groceries, cleaning, laundry.”

If I had the strength, I would question him since we get all those things done for us most the time, but I leave it because I just want to fall asleep.

“Mm,” I agree as he shimmies off my trousers. In the last bit of energy I possess, I sit up and pull my shirt over my head. “Come to bed?”

“You couldn’t stop me if you tried,” he climbs over me to what’s usually my side of the bed and cuddles up close. Wrapping his arms around my body, he says, “One more thing.” And then he kisses me; which not only wakes me up, but also arouses me. Next thing I know, he’s on top of me and moaning.

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