Slender Mansion

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*A/N: You already know the names to many of the creepypastas  at the mansion because you are a creepypasta fan.*

Laughing Jack has teleported you and him to the slender mansion (in his room to be exact). Right as soon as he and you arrived, Laughing Jill called the both of you down for breakfast while giving you an envious glare. You assumed that they dated at one point or that she had a crush on Laughing Jack. You and Laughing Jack arrived to the dining room for breakfast and the room went silent. Slenderman yelled, "why is there a human in my mansion". You noticed a smirk on Laughing Jill's face and you looked down at your feet. This is what you were afraid of happening. Laughing Jack held your hand and said, "this is my soulmate y/n". Everyone was shocked and even Laughing Jill had a shocked face that quickly changed to anger. Everyone congratulated you and Laughing Jack for being soulmates. When Laughing Jill came to congratulate you and him, she whispered in your ear, "he is mine you pathetic human. He will never love you and I will make sure the both of you never stay together". After she congratulated the both of you, she told everyone that she wasn't hungry and she left. Everyone realized that she was jealous and made sure that you are going to be protected. You all finished breakfast when Sally asked you and Laughing Jack to join her in a tea party. The both of you decided to join her so she had you dress up while he was able to stay in his outfit. When you arrived to Sally's room (where the tea party is located), she and Laughing Jack stared at you, speechless. The both of them said that you were beautiful and Laughing Jack kissed you. You pinched his arm and told him, "not in front of the children". Sally laughed at the cuteness of the both of you. You all enjoyed the tea party and decided to accept an invitation to one for tomorrow. Before leaving with Laughing Jack, Sally gave you a hug and told you, "you are officially my new sister from a different mother. I do not care if you are human but I am glad that Laughing Jack and I got to meet you. I will kill Laughing Jack if he let you go". You gave her a hug back and told her, "I am glad that I got to meet you too. I will make sure I keep Laughing Jack happy so he doesn't let me go". Then I left to catch up to Laughing Jack in his room.  The both of you watched movies and snacked on candy the rest of the day before eating dinner as a group and then going to bed. Since it was bed time, you both fell asleep while cuddling. While the both of you are sleeping, Laughing Jill and Zalgo are working together so Zalgo can gather the power you don't know you have and so Laughing Jill can get Laughing Jack to herself. This is why you are going to need more protection. Will the other creepypastas be able to help protect you or will you all fall victim to the trap? 

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