Back at square one

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((A/N: I know I know I know I know. I've already got two stories going one I haven't updated in forever because I have no muse for it. The second one..... I'm looking over my finished chapter that I haven't published yet.... I don't know it I like it yet. Anyway, ya again it's TFP but I'm not good at any of the others verses. ;~; anyway, enjoy!!))

Skylar Chamberlain. 16 years old, copper colored hair that had once been a deep red, but needs to be re-dyed. Blue eyes that can't be considered blue, since they're literally the color of thunder clouds. A rich grey. She's got half framed, black glasses. The arms have white clovers. The petals shaped in hearts, and fake diamonds curl between two and cut them off from the third.

Skylar is 16 years old, she's timid, nervous and doesn't speak often. Her heart had fallen for another, but now it has shattered for the final time.


The girls name was Freya. Freya Westland. Pronounced west-lin-d. Freya was, Skylar's entire world. Freya was her friend, her confidant and her significant other. Skylar loved Freya, would have died for her if given the chance. But, like all relationships between a popular girl and 'the local freak' it ended on the worst terms possible.

Loudly, publicly, in the jasper high school cafeteria.

"You want a reason? You're a freak, a four eyed, insane, ridiculous, screwed up, not right, grey eyed freak. It was fun pretending to love you while it lasted. You had the most gullible and idiotic person in jasper. A stupid, untouched freak. I hope that you die and soon. So you can stop plaguing the rest of us." Freya's arms were crossed as she finished speaking, pale green eyes glaring harshly at the timid girl before her who's gunmetal blue eyes were dampening in tears.

Skylar shrunk, flinching at each harsh word while the cafeteria stayed quiet. Everyone staring either in shock, snickering softly or gawking at the scene. Skylar shut her eyes against the tears that were building up. Feeling her heart beat hard then ache harshly as her lips thinned, her bottom one trembling from the strain of holding in the tears.

It was a minute or two before Skylar spoke up.

"Okay..." Her voice went higher just at the end. Before she turned, hiked her hood up higher and shuffled out. Shoulders hunched and fighting tears. Skylar side stepped teachers, staff and volunteers in her attempt to get away from the judging eyes around her. Once outside Skylar grabbed her bike and pedaled as fast as she could away from the school and towards a cliff in the distance. It would be a while before she got to where she wanted. And by then the sun would have set, and the stars would be out. By the time Skylar would climb to the top, covered in dirt and an hour away from sunrise. Then she's send an email to her school, asking that the video attached be played for everyone to see.

A few hours later, police would find her at the base of the mountain, cold, lifeless and finally at peace.

((A/N: Okay so I'd like to point out that I wrote this chapter around 4 something in the morning and half asleep. I do have a muse for it but I just had to do some changes to it. To answer the asked question yes Freya was the one who hurt Skylar.))

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