I Only Speak With Aliens

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((A/N: woo! :3 more updates! Again, leave me questions, comments or suggestions and ideas!))

Skylar knew she had an active imagination. It showed in her art, her love of music, love of story writing. Her room was always littered with things, little trinkets that gave her insparation, ideas.

It suddenly occurred to her that she might never see those again.

She didn't mind that. Yes, she loved those little nick nacks and little comics she had drawn and giggled over with her parents. But she didn't mind. Her parents would sell them, keep her drawings or burn then. Whichever they wanted.

What she DID mind though...

"Come on kiddo. We've got all day, I'm pretty sure you don't." Was the fact that these two thick headed robots AND an equally thick headed adult were keeping her from finding peace. She had to Admit though. The white one known as WheelJack had a very gentle touch despite his rugged appearance.

Even if he did still have her pinned to his shoulder but facing outwards. She just kept her blank face, staring off into space and focusing on the gentle but strong hold on her body while the human on the ledge started to grow red with frustration.

The human was called Agent Fowler. He had been called in after BulkHead and WheelJack got back to ground floor. Since the other bots would be up soon the three thought it best to start with questions without the others.

"Miss I can have you in a lot of trouble of sneaking in here." Agent Fowler snapped harshly. She noted a noticeable flinch from the corner of her eye in a flash of green. Signaling that BulkHead had done so and lifted her head to look at him.

He shifted under her blank gaze, baby blue optics darting anywhere but her as he rubbed his head nervously.

"... Are you scared of him?" A shadow fell over her briefly, meaning that WheelJack had shifted to look at his long time wrecking friend while Agent Fowler gave a relieved sigh.

"So you do speak praise America."

"I told you she did."


"You didn't answer my question." Attention turned back to her as she waited for an answer. Bulkhead shifted and scuffed a ped nervously.

"Er... What was it again?" He asked, glancing to her eyes. She thought she saw a flash of guilt and nervousness as he looked away again.

".... Are you scared of Agent Fowler." She asked again, tone softening from blank to maybe sympathetic. She could feel Agent Fowler and WheelJack stare between her and Bulkhead confused before he shook his head.

"No... I'm not." He muttered finally. Her gaze slide from his face to the wall behind him. It had the desiring affect of relaxing him some.

"Then why did you flinch when he spoke harshly to me?" Her head tilted softly, as she waited for an answer. She could feel a gentle tremble from the metal bellow her, she guessed that WheelJack was trying not to laugh.

"Now wait just a minute, how come you'll speak to them but you won't speak to me? And why would the big lug be scared of me? There's no reason as far as I'm concerned." Skylar again fell silent. Ignoring Agent Fowler while both bots tilted their heads this time.

"... I..." BulkHead started, seeming at a loss of words before WheelJack pipped up.

"Okay, here's the deal. You ask a question, you answer one. Fowler's asked you several already now you have to answer them." Skylar turned and looked up into the Ice blue optics that stared back. She searched for some kind of lie, something that would indicate that the other would be unfaithful to the deal. When she found none she nodded softly.

"Alright. But if we do this deal I have one term." She said looking between the two bots. She watched them glance at each other before nodding to her.

"You keep me as far away from human interaction as possible. Now, for the questions. I'll speak to you and not him because he's a human. I don't know why BulkHead would be scared of agent fowler. It IS why I asked. Now..." She looked to BulkHead again.

"Why did you flinch if you aren't scared of it?" BulkHead looked down, this time Skylar did confirm guilt in his optics as he shuffled.

".... I've... Seen the way kids at your school treat you. Or more... I hear what they say and how they say it, and it's harsh.... I just... I don't know." He rubbed his head while she looked down to the metal hand holding her, then up to WheelJack who still looked confused.

"Wait, you aren't that kid that Miko says goes through hell and back are you?" Skylar watched WheelJack look down at her before she nodded.

".... Miko's wrong. It's not hell and back. It's just hell." She explained, shifting to snuggle into his palm, happily ducking out of Agent Fowler's site.

"Fowler asked my name. My Name is Skylar Marie Louise Chamberlain. Today was suppose to be the day I died." She muttered darkly. She hopped, that since WheelJack and BulkHead were robots they had advanced hearing. Turns out she was right, since BulkHead made a distressed noise.

"Miko got an email from a Skylar Chamberlain. She had burst into tears and begged me not to take her to school." Skylar stayed quiet at the new piece of information.

"Who are you to her that she cried when she thought you had offlined?" Skylar let her vision go dark as she shut her eyes against the tears. Trying to force back the painful but happy memories of the short friendship the two had once had.

"... An ex friend..." She muttered darkly. The three were quiet before Agent fowler spoke up.

"How old are you Skylar." She pulled her sweater tighter around her.


"16." She relaxed when the light that had been behind her eyes darkened, signaling that WheelJack was covering her and was going to speak to agent fowler for her.

"How did you find this base?"

"I didn't, this is suicide peak. I wanted to add my name to the ones who had jumped off it's edge and died."

"She didn't. She wanted to do as it's name says."



"Heh. Classified." She smiled a little when Agent Fowler gave an irritated groan.

"I will have to tell your parents that you are alive. Are you going to come with me willingly?"


"Not a chance."

"Why not? They're probably worried sick."

"Because if you do I'll tell everyone that you're here, and since I will have miraculously survived suicide peak people while follow me back here for proof."

".... I like this kid. She said that if you force her back she'll tell everyone, and since everyone will wonder how she survived suicide peak they'll follow her back here." She relaxed completely when Agent fowler grumbled.

"Fine, fine. Now what?" Skylar moved, poking her head out from WheelJack's servos to look at Agent fowler sleepily.

"Are there wash rooms and showers here?Maybe bandages, clean cloths and a bed?" A growl from her stomach had her pause, and the two wreckers to stare at her stunned.

"And maybe some food?"

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