Ups and downs

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Skylar stood under the rain again, her face held up to it and mixing with her tears as she clutched at the piece of stone behind her. She was just under the same ledge she had jumped off of a while ago. She was on one of the thin ledges, and she did not want to go down and back to the safety of the inside.

Why? She had been teased. Yes, it was meant to be playful, but it still hurt. She had laughed, played it off and fled before the others could see her tears. It was where she was now.Clinging to the wall of stone, and the only thing keeping her from death. The thunder rolling almost frantically above her and relaying her a message was the only thing she was clinging too.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath she looked to the sky. Letting out a desperate sob when it crashed loudly in panic.

"I'm sorry." She let her balance teeter forwards, eyes shut tightly to ignore the rush as she fell. She wasn't expecting a loud frantic whirl from the ledge above, nor the sudden grab and shouts of others behind her.

A loud, panicked buzz signaled the servo closing around her, and the rough jerk of both her 'savior' and herself being caught. Whipping her head around, Skylar shot broken eyes to Bumblebee, the yellow camero staring at her with wide terrified optics before he pulled her close to his chest plates. A loud crash of thunder had her flinching and curling into the yellow bot. Hiccuping and sobbing against him while he was slowly pulled back onto the ledge.

She had been saved unwillingly again, this time by three completely different bots.

~Sparks trapped in dark~

None of the autobots had seen Bumblebee so mad as he stormed the wreck room, Slag and Sludge trailing behind him, while the latter carried a sniffling ball of shaking wet human. Not that the three weren't also soaked, they trailed rivers into the wreck room with them as they moved.

"YOU AFT HEAD!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! How does TEASING Skylar help her at all?! You never teased me when I got like this! How dare you tease her! How! Fragging! Dare! You!" Wheeljack caught the servo from the scout, but wasn't so lucky to miss Slag's fist meeting his cheek plate. It brought a rise of protests from bots and humans, even while the wrecker nursed the dent and spat out some energon.

"I'm with the kid on this one, NONE of you had the right to tease Skylar. Not when you KNOW FULL WELL that she's STILL suicidal!" He snapped, shooting a glare to the startled group around him.

"Do you know where we found her?! We found her at the peak! Throwing herself off of it and SOBBING her optics out in the mean time! If it weren't for bee following her, and us following him she and maybe him would be dead by now!" Gazes swung around to the shaken four, Wheeljack looking a little more then horrified with Bulkhead, while Miko and Jack looked shaken.

"W-we didn't mea-"

"Didn't what?! Mean to hurt her?! Well good Slaging job on that!"

"Slag, enough." Swinging around to glare at the Dynoleader and Optimus, slag bared his denta.

"They deserve to be punished for this! She almost succeeded in killing herself AGAIN because of their insensitivity!" He snapped. Grimlock snarled, his plating flaring and forcing Slag to back down.

"Optimus and Mrs. Darby can deal with their punishments. She's on her way with some things for skylar." Optimus stepped up, and gestured over to the side.

"Slag, Sludge, Bumblebee, if you would please go get Skylar some dry clothes, and keep her with one of you at all times I will deal with Wheeljack and Bulkhead's punishment." Nodding, the three shuffled off, Sludge rocking and the three murmuring softly to the hiccuping teen.

Grimlock swung around, his visor still glowing brightly with rage while Optimus gave both Autobots a look of disappointment.

"Wheeljack. I did not give guardianship to you over Skylar with the impression that you would cause her to completely backtrack on her recovery. I believe that, is punishment enough for the time being. BulkHead, you are to remain on base unless needed for a mission, Neither of you are to leave unless I say so. Miko, Jack." Both humans flinched and shuffled in place guiltily.

"I shall leave your punishment to Mrs. Darby."

~Sparks trapped in dark~

Bumblebee watched as Skylar struggled weakly against the strong hold around her. Trying desperately to get free and run to be alone. He had a vague idea of why she might want to run but he knew better then to let her be alone. Especially when Slag had just left to get her clothes and sludge was holding her now.

"Stop squirming." She growled weakly up at the dyno holding her, but stopped moving none the less. Pulling her soaked hood up she curled into a shiver ball of wet clothes. It wasn't till slag came back with a large pillow and she was set down on it that she finally uncurled slightly and buried her face into the material. Hiccuping into it and breaking into sobs all over again.

He winced but quietly reached to pet her head softly. The three crowding around her and offering a mix of purrs to calm her and hopefully, lull her into sleep. It worked, and soon she was limp on the pillow and sleeping. Relaxing then shuffled to sit on the couch, bee shifting in place before picking her up.

"I'm going to go get her clothes." Looking to sludge he nodded, quietly transforming around her so she was settled in his back seat. His seats immediately started to heat up and his heaters turned on. Allowing him to sink low and idle in place while the two shuffled out. It was quiet for a while, until she started to stir with a night mare.

"Skylar." Bumblebee buzzed, relaxing when his voice jolted her out of the dream.

"B-Bee?" He beeped in confirmation, kicking up the heating when she shuddered.

"I... I relapsed didn't I?" He stayed quiet, unsure how to answer while she curled into the back seat.

"Baby just say yes~" He chuckled mentally when she jumped, staring wide eyed at the song clip that played.

"You... Can use music to talk?" She asked startled he buzzed in confirmation. It was a surprise for him too to be honest.

"Guess you never knew how- Say something- just keep, holding on." She looked down and squrimed, nuzzling into the seat while Bumblebee beeped softly at her.

"I.... No, no i've never been good at talking out my emotions when I can't hold on." She confirmed gripping at her arm.

"If there's anything you need, I won't be far away." Bee raised on his suspensions in pride when she smiled weakly and giggled gently.

"Thanks Bee..."

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