Chapter 10| No Regrets

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Rubbing my eyes, I rolled to collect the blanket.

So what if it was summer?

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and sat up as I remembered to hit the gym this morning. I planned on opting to hit the treadmill instead of going outside today.

I trudged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and quickly tying my frizzy hair up.

How did I even get to my bed last night?

I pondered on the thought for a bit more before stripping from my outfit from last night; a jersey and my sweats.

Going through my closet, I decided on a pair of comfy yoga pants and yet another sports bra. Quickly, I put on some running shoes and headed to the gym not even 10 feet away from my bedroom door.

The glass walls gave it an open feeling and I didn't mind the lack of privacy considering the boys only workout when their trainer stops by.

Letting out a groan, I start to stretch, muffling a yawn as my back cracks.

I don't care what you think, the tension that's released when your back cracks is one of the best feelings.

Hitting the treadmill, I let myself go as I easily run 2 miles, pacing myself and my breath.

What the fuck was that kiss?

Should I eat In N' Out more then?

God dammit, now I have to work off that fat.

Oh well, I'll gain it back anyways.

I mentally gave up and headed off the treadmill to grab my aqua Hydroflask from downstairs and ran back up.

"Jesus Christ, I really need to get back into—"

"Shouldn't you have someone spotting for you in the weight room?" A voice called out, a little louder than my AirPods.

"Nah, not really." I smiled, thinking back to last night.

"Still, it's not fun working out alone." Adrian smirked, leaning against the pull-up bars.

"That, you are right." I told him, picking up a 15 lbs medicine ball.

"Well, lucky for you, we have the same workout schedule it seems." He smiles, making me blush a little.

At least you couldn't tell, I was nasty looking and sweaty already.

"But, I didn't see you go for a run?" He stated, almost as a question.

"I choose treadmill today," I explained, sitting down into crunch position, "Too lazy to step outside."

He chuckles heading over to do his barbell squats. Ignoring my eyes even though I try not to stare, I watch as he adds plate after plate to even out the excessive amount of weights.

"Aren't you going to wait for the trainer?" I asked, grunting it out as I drop my medicine ball after doing a set of 15 crunches rocking the weight side to side.

"Nah, I only meet with him once a week." He explains, positioning himself under the bar and taking a deep breath.

I choose this moment to stop staring as he puts his headphones on.


For the next hour and a half, the two on us manage to work around each other.

I would hope over to the curl ups and he would be working on legs.

It seemed basic enough until, curiosity decided to kill the cat.

"So, about yesterday..." I started off, pulling up the weighted bar to work on my biceps and triceps.

"What about it?" He smirked, squeezing some water down his throat.

"The kiss?" I asked, waiting for him to elaborate.

"What about it?" Adrian teased, staring me down with his hungry eyes.

How am I supposed to focus when he's looking at me like that?


I just won't look at him like that when he's working out then too.

"Ugh fine, let's just not—"

"Listen Kenzie, I didn't regret what I did last night if that's what you wanted to hear." Adrian tells me, standing up and heading closer to me.

"In fact, I would very much like it if I could be given the chance to do it again."

I smiled at the sound of those words and let the bar recoil back to the floor as I pulled him closer.

Immediately, he reacted with my hands on him, kissing me lightly before deepening the kiss.

By the time we both pulled away, our breaths had quickened.

"You know," I grinned, placing small butterfly kissed along his jawline, "kissing burns 6.4 calories per minute from what I heard."

His eyes deepened as he let out a grunt and picked me up by my thighs, my legs wrapping around his torso.

"Let's workout then." Adrian replied, nonchalantly as he made his way to his room.

He softly placed me on the bed and began trailing kisses along my neck before no doubt giving me at least a couple of hickies.

"Kenzie, you are so beau—"

The alarm on my phone sounded off from the side of my yoga pants, totally ruining the mood.

"Umm, take me to practice?" I grinned sheepishly, fixing my hair as I sat up and headed to grab my bag.

"Yea, I'll be down in a sec." He groaned, laying flat down on the bed.

No doubt he had a "problem".



That's the end of that chapter! It's the third consecutive day of uploading! Pretty uneventful chapter, pretty much a short filler.

I went to go hang out with a couple of friends today, so the chapter is posted pretty late. Anyways, that's enough talk.

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Updated: 5•26•18

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Updated: 5•26•18

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