Chapter 25 | Bad News

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I reached over at the sound of my buzzing phone

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I reached over at the sound of my buzzing phone.

Adrian had left to take a shower and told me he was tired and planned on sleeping afterwards.

I stayed quiet about it though, his chronic pain must be acting up and I couldn't help but let a hint of worry seep through.

"Hello?" I answered, pressing the green button before hearing a voice on the other line.

"Where are you Mack? You can't just keep disappearing with Adrian." Justin sighed impatiently.

"I'm on a little trip and I'll be back soon." She replied vaguely, "What's up?"

"Mom and Dad finally caved. You get to move back into the house in 3 days. Just make sure you say goodbye to those new teammates of yours and tell Adrian." He spoke, a bit of what seemed to be sadness plaguing his voice.

"Tell Adrian as soon as possible. He deserves to know." Justin told me and with that, he hung up.

"What was that all about?" Adrian asked, walking out with a towel hanging loosely around his waist.

He turned away from me for a bit, popping an array of pills into his mouth and washing it down with water.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth with words refusing to come out.

Wasn't this what I wanted?

It's only been a month or two since I wanted to go back and just slip back into my usual routine.

Lately though, I find it harder to leave as easy as it was to arrive.

All because of what— a jaw-droppingly gorgeous guy who just happened to be one of my brother's best friend?

Life seemed to have it all out for me, didn't it?

"Mackenzie?" Adrian asked, using my full name.

I closed my mouth before opting against the silence and just telling him. He was bound to find out anyways.

"I'm leaving back to Florida in 3 days." I mumbled causing his brows to furrow at the statement.


"Yea. Oh."

"Do you have to go?" He questioned, his eyes locked into mines as he made his way to me who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

My heart raced at the thought of what we did last night and how he looked so beautiful despite all his worries in this world.

"Well it's what I planned. I don't really have a reason here back in L.A. except for you and my brothers." I told him, hoping it didn't come out as curt and blunt as it seemed.

He nodded and shrugged.

With his towel still in tack and his hair still damp, he put his arms around me and slowly backed me down onto the bed.

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