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How are you all? I hope you're ready for another chapter on world building!

Before we start, I just want to say that I have been editing this book for contests and awards I've entered for the past few days, so if you have seen anything that's different in the book, it's just because I've been doing some minor editing.

Now, getting back on topic, different jobs are important. Without jobs, your characters wouldn't earn money, and no money isn't good.

First, invent some viable career choices in your world. They can be as normal as a doctor to as weird as a giraffe stylist. Think about what jobs are relevant to your story. Is there any point in mentioning giraffe stylists if they have no importance to the plot? This applies to all I've talked about so far in this book.

Next, about the different types of jobs. In real life, there are 3 levels of jobs. They are primary, secondary and tertiary.


These are the jobs that produce/gather raw materials.

Eg - farmers, miners, etc.


The jobs that take the raw materials and turn them into something useful. Otherwise known as manufacturing jobs.

Eg - car factory, clothes manufacturing, etc.


The jobs that take the useful things made by people with secondary jobs, and use them for different purposes.

Eg - Teachers, doctors, etc.

Please don't comment asking what jobs fit into each category, as a search engine called Google/Bing/Siri exists. Just ask them, "is a senior web developer a tertiary job" and the Internet will tell you the answer.

Make some sort of list/table of the career options available in your world, and what category they fit into, if any. I just showed you the types of jobs so you could organise your professions if you wanted to.

Now, some underlined questions to ponder about.

What qualifications are needed to get certain jobs, if any?

What is the salary like?

How often are your people payed? Daily? Every minute? Every ten years?

Can you get promotions/pay rises? If so, how?

Do manager positions exist?

Do people have a choice of career?

Do people like their careers?

Are people treated differently depending on their jobs?

If you think I've missed anything, tell me in the comments!

Next time, on Your Wonderful Guide to World Building - Language! This will be the first part of a long journey through the cultural rabbit hole, so brace yourselves.

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