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Hi world builders, how are you? I feel like telling awful puns today, so just a pre-warning. Today, we're going to be looking at technology. You might feel like this doesn't apply to your medieval fantasy novel, but who knows? Stories are full of surprises.

The definition of technology, according to the Google Dictionary, is
'the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.' You don't need to be a scientist to make up cool technology. All you need is imagination.

*insert SpongeBob meme here*

If you don't have much imagination, well, the Internet exists for a reason. Take inspiration from images, Tumblr, other websites. Inspiration, as I stated in the last chapter. Unless you give credit, or say in the description or an author's note, you shouldn't use it because it isn't yours. You have that brainpower. You can adapt it to something that suits.

Make sure that the technology suits your setting. Unless there is a valid reason, you shouldn't have advanced AI and supercomputers in your mediaeval town. But as I said at the start, stories are full of surprises, so if you can make it plausible, do what you want.

Now, a post from Tumblr, from the user catcomixstudios. You can combine magic and technology, they're not opposites. They can co-exist, as this (paraphrased) post shows you.

Sci-Fantasy and Technomancy

Creating a world where magic and technology co-exist

It can be tricky, because of people can teleport at any time, it might not make sense for people to own cars. Blending them will lead to countless possibilities, but it can also create plot holes.

Ultimately how detailed you get is up to you. It's your story.

- Start off with the usual things that define societies. Without magic and technology in the mix, what does your world look like?

-How does magic work?

-How does technology work?

-How well do they mix?

-Are either taboo?

-Are tech-favouring people generally equal with magic-favouring people and vice versa?

-What can only be done with magic? What can only be done with technology?

-How advanced is each side?

-How does magic solve the same problems as tech and vice versa?

-Different perspectives will likely produce entirely different problems and methods to solve them.

-Consider divisions that might exist within societies.

-Don't get too caught up in how cool your world is!

Phew, that was a lot of writing. No underlined questions for obvious reasons. I left out a lot of content in that post to make sure this chapter wouldn't get too long, so I really recommend checking out the whole thing.

I'm proud of myself, I didn't tell too many puns!

Any questions? Ask me!

Next time, on Your Wonderful Guide to World Building - Laws! Your world needs justice and some cops to call, so better create them before your characters create chaos.

Next time, on Your Wonderful Guide to World Building - Laws! Your world needs justice and some cops to call, so better create them before your characters create chaos

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