Chapter 6

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My upper body sprang off the mattress as my breathing came out in short gasps. A loud scream could be heard and it took me a few seconds to realize that it was coming from my own mouth.

I could barely breathe. My body was shaking as if I had lost control and I had no way to stop it. I was having a panic attack.

The shaking only increased as my door flew open, the silhouette of a man entering into the darkness of my room. Why are they letting them in during the night? My parents only allow the men in during business hours. And from the darkness around me it was easy to decide this was not the daytime.

As the man neared the bed his face was encased by the moonlight, worry consuming his features.

My breathing slowed a fraction as I remembered where I was. Though the man hadn't made any moves on me yet, I had to remain cautious. I still have no idea why I'm here, for all I know they'll turn out just as my parents did.

My panic climbed as he stood a foot away. I tried to get to the nearest corner of the bed but I realized I couldn't move which caused the tears I was holding to fall. The blanket must've wrapped itself around my legs during the nightmare, trapping me in place.

A sob threatened to escape as he continued to near me. His voice was soft as he began to talk.

"Hey. You're okay. You're safe. Please just calm down, I promise I'm not going to hurt you."

My body betrayed me as it relaxed at the sound of his voice. The sound of blood pounding in my ears began to slow allowing me to focus more on his voice.

How was this possible? I've never been able to calm myself so easily from a panic attack and here I am, relaxing at the sound of just his voice. He continued murmuring as he realized it was helping, random things tumbling from his mouth.

"Do you want to talk about it?" My breath caught at the mention of the nightmare and he quickly backtracked. "Wait, no we don't have to. Please just stay calm."

He was now standing with his hands up in a surrendering position, showing he meant no harm. His lower half now had contact with my bed, and as I made no move to stop him, he slowly lowered himself beside my trembling form.

Thankfully, my breathing was almost normal and sobs no longer threatened to escape me. His body was too close to mine as I tried to curl into myself for comfort however the blanket stopped me once again.

His eyes connected with mine as he began to move the blanket. "I'm not going to do anything to you I'm just going to help you untangle this, okay?"

I made no move to respond staying as still as possible. His hands moved slowly to my legs and began his handiwork.

We stayed quiet as he untangled me from the mess. As soon as I was able to move I brought my legs up to my chest, forming a fetal position. His hands now dropped down to his lap as he gazed at me with confusion and sadness glinting in his eyes.

A few traitor tears ran down my face as I began to gaze at him. He was so perfect it was almost inhuman.

His bright cobalt eyes held such intensity it seemed they demanded power. His thick eyebrows were scrunched together causing a crease to form between them. His facial structure was so symmetrical that it put me in awe, sharp lines defining his features. And those lips. His lips looked so kissa —.

Wait what?

Now it was my turn to scrunch my brows as I became confused. Never in my eighteen years did I ever admire someone's features especially not a man like this. One that embodies power.

I brought my eyes back to my hands ignoring his gaze. He seemed to sense my unease as he released a tired sigh. I felt sorry for him. He looked so tired as he ran his hands down his face and I felt even worse when I came to the realization that I was the reason he was here and not sleeping.

"Would you like something to eat or drink? It might help you fall asleep."

I simply shook my head, no longer wanting to disturb his rest. I could see him nod in the corner of my eye.

"Alright. I'm going to head back to bed, okay? If you need anything I'm just across the hall."

I was surprised by the offer but hid it as I began to play with the blanket, giving him another nod.

He removed himself from the bed the disappointment clear on his features. Should I say something? He hasn't been mean to me or done anything that made me believe he was going to use me.

With that thought in mind, I had decided. As he crept slowly to the door I lifted my head, letting out a hoarse whisper. "Thanks, Xavier."

His head whipped in my direction as his eyes widened a bit. It was apparent that he wasn't expecting me to speak causing the smallest of smiles to grace my features. He looked like a little kid at a candy shop.

This resulted in a large, toothy smile from him as he took in my own and muttered, "No problem."

I was a bit flustered at his reaction as my face turned red, my cheeks burning with heat. This made his smile even larger as a soft chuckle left him.

It was then I came to the realization as to why he's so happy. This is the first time I've directly talked to him and said his name. He's been present for the few words I've uttered to his mother but the only reaction he got from me was cowering and screaming in fear.

His smile remained as he walked back to the door. "Get some rest. Tomorrow my mom will come collect you and then we will talk about how you got here. And what you mentioned yesterday." His voice turned dark at the talk of the latter.

The small smile I had took on the shape of a frown as I processed his words. There was no way I was going to be able to bare my soul to these people. And venturing out of this room? Will there be other people? Other men?

The thought of a room full of men sent a wave of unease through me as I moved to lay back down. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I missed Xavier exit the room, only hearing the soft click of the door.

My body didn't fight my mind on sleep as it was now exhausted from the panic attack. As my mind drifted into a state of peace all I could think was what if they're not like my parents?


Hey everyone! How are you, how have you been, are you drowning in homework like I am?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know some of you may find it boring, not very much actually happened. However I really wanted to write a chapter with just some Xavier and Anna time, ya know?

Please tell me how you feel, what you like and what you don't like, I promise I won't be hurt if you tell me anything wrong with it!

I hope you have a good night!


xx kerfuffled_

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