Chapter 28

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Surprise! I wanted to give you guys this chapter early, almost as an "I'm sorry for being gone for a few weeks" update lol. I hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's update, feel free to tell me what you think about it. I'm really happy with the way this chapter has turned out so I hope you guys love it too! Happy reading :))

Faster than I could blink, Xavier had me out of his arms and into his chair as he stood in front of me. "They did what?" The anger that seeped through his tone sent shivers through my spine, erecting goosebumps along the way. His fists were clenched so tight that they were beginning to turn white, though his face was the complete opposite as it shone a bright red, his emotions begging to be released. His jaw clenched so tight it looked as if it was going to break, in tune with the extreme anger radiating off of him. When he began to pace back and forth the deep growl grew within his chest, radiating off the walls with the quickening of his pace. "They did what to my mate? No way in hell did they do such a thing or I'll rip each of their dicks off and feed it to the rogues."

His anger only seemed to grow, matching his pacing as I leaned back into his desk chair. I didn't know what to do but I assumed the best thing would be to not poke the bear- or should I say wolf. My tears began to dry up as I focused solely on Xavier though the heartbroken feeling remained at the thought of everything I've been through.

"How could they?! How could they do that to someone so innocent, so sweet, so gentle?" His pacing grew quicker and so did the buzzing of his body. At this point it appeared he was almost shaking, making me fear what might happen. "I can't believe that your own parents could forcefully prostitute you to people, letting them rape you, take your innocence from you! God, I nearly want to just, just rip their heads off!" His anger exceeded its limit as did his shaking when all of a sudden he threw his fist through the wall of the office, plaster flying across the floor from the impact.

I let out a gasp at the actions while his chest began to heave, hand still sitting in the wall as he lowered his head. Though his actions had now brought me to the verge of anxiety, I knew I probably needed to act now. Despite the fact that he was a bit more stationary than seconds ago I could still see the shaking as his body moved. Out of fear that he would shift into his wolf I tried speaking to him as I slowly removed myself from the chair. "Xavier?"

He didn't move at the sound of my voice, prompting me to move closer. "Xavier? Please calm down." Still no movement came about but I did see a slight shift of his eyes to my form as I was now only a foot away from him, signalling he was at least aware of my presence. Deciding to comfort him with the way he comforts me the most, I walked closer and extended my hand to his right shoulder.

At first he tensed but quickly relaxed at my touch, causing me to move a bit closer. He didn't move an inch as I got extremely close, taking it that I wasn't upsetting him with my actions. I decided that if I was going to do this that I might as well go all the way and proceeded to press my whole front against his back, wrapping my arms around his torso in the process.

I sighed at the contact, sparks shooting through our conjoined bodies. This effectively destroyed the remaining anxiety that had built from Xavier's outburst. I closed my eyes as we stood there, figuring silence was the best route at the current moment. I allowed myself to drift off into my thoughts as Xavier was clearly still stuck in his own.

I felt as if a weight was lifted off of me at the acknowledgement of my past and the admittance of it to someone else. And to someone I had grown so much trust for in the past bit as well. In no way was the sharing of that information easy but the pay off would definitely be worth it. I would no longer feel as if I was carrying around a dirty secret with Xavier or that he would hate me when he found out. As far as I could tell right now the only people he hated were my parents. If you could even call them that.

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