Chapter 19

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I rolled across the silky sheets as I fought to stay asleep. My hope was to find another comfortable position so I could fall back into the bliss that was dreamland but the sun seeping through the window had scheduled other plans. After several minutes of adjusting I surrendered to the useless battle with the brightness and began to stretch my tight muscles like a starfish.

My arms and legs popped in response before I forced myself up into a sitting position. My eyes fluttered open in attempt to save myself from going blind however I was stuck with gazing at bright yellow rays. Once I had fully gained my vision back I heaved my legs over the side of the bed in order to try moving around on my own despite my leg. However, I quickly halted my actions when I took in the form beside me.

Xavier was still asleep on his mattress beside the bed I sat upon, surprising me. Typically he would be up and going before I was, making breakfast and then accidentally scare me awake when it was complete. Apparently that was not the case today considering a light snore filled the room.

Xavier was laid out on his stomach with his left arm under his head for support, the right one placed close to his face. His head was angled towards my form allowing me the opportunity to examine him. Xavier looked so peaceful as he slept, his face fully relaxed as there was no stress plaguing him as he dreamt.

I leaned closer to his form by resting my arms on my knees, placing my face in the support of my hands so I could get a better look at him. You would think the snoring would annoy me but I actually found it to be quite adorable. The sound was light and provided me comfort with the even breathing coming from his lips. His hair was tousled from his night of sleep but the messy look simply added to his attractive features, making me want to reach out and touch the soft looking locks.

I wasn't sure what gave me the idea to get up and climb over to him but I knew the force had a strong say in the matter. Considering the amount of times he has made it clear contact was wanted between us, I had no doubt he would be alright with it if I touched him. The fact that he was sound asleep and incapable of making any sudden movements to hurt me also aided in my decision.

Making a plan of action I slowly slid my body off the bed with my injured leg elevated to ensure it wouldn't touch the ground. I decided it would be easier to sit on my backside and use my arms to pull me over to him considering he was only about a foot away.

As my body made contact with the edge of his mattress, doubt crawled up inside of me. However it was quickly washed away as the force began to pull at my heart, the yearn to touch him becoming too strong. Gently leaning onto the soft foam I examined his features once again.

I sucked in a breath at his perfect features, just noticing the splash of freckles that covered his nose and cheeks. His eyebrows seemed to have been arched to perfection and those lips were so soft and kissable looking. With that thought in mind my cheeks flushed deep red as I was embarrassed and a little frightened by my thoughts. Never have I thought that of a man and for the longest time I never thought I would.

My eyes trailed back up to his hair, the thing that encouraged me to make my way over here in the first place. His light snores were still even and had yet to falter assuring me he was sound asleep. Lifting my hand, I slowly led it up to the brown mess that topped his head, picking up the piece that had fallen into his eyes and pushing it back into place.

His brown locks were extremely soft making me envious. My hair was sporting split ends due to the lack of haircuts I had received over the years. I could feel the slight buzz of sparks as I brushed my hand through his hair eliciting a small gasp.

The repetitive action was sending calmness throughout me, fully focusing my attention on his hair. Due to this I failed to notice the opening of his eyes or the smile that lit up on his face as he watched my actions. "Good morning, Sunshine."

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