Chapter 5

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I twirled my fork through my pasta, doing my best to pretend I wanted to eat my food. I didn't want to be with my family sharing a meal. I was angry with everyone at the table.

"Pass the bread," Dad said.

I lifted the fancy bowl and dropped it in front of him going back to my plate.

He let my foul attitude go snagging a breadstick.

Nona dropped her napkin. "She's angry with me."

I held back the eye roll.

"She's upset with all of us," Dad said.

I took a sip of water.

"Sooner or later Hope will realize we helped her. And that we love her and care about her wellbeing," Nona said.

She wanted me to speak. I refused to budge.

"She's giving you the silent treatment. She used to do it to Mom all the time," Elliot pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. She deserved everything she got. The thought of my mother made my temper flare to an even higher level. I squeezed the napkin in my hand dropping it on top of my food.

Nona jumped up taking off to answer her phone. I watched her traipse back and forth. The look on her face told me everything that I needed to know.

I crossed my arms leaning back in my chair as she entered the room.

"The strangest thing happened," she said taking a seat.

I raised an eyebrow.

Everyone wanted to hear what happened, but I already knew the answer.

"That was the lawyer. He called to inform me that Slade has gone missing. They have no idea where the boy could be," Nona said.

Dad shook his head. "You got to be kidding me."

"That's awful. What a shame," I said standing up. "It looks like Mayor Sinclair is going to have to find someone else to blame everything on."

"Hope, did you have anything to do with this?" Nona asked.

"Of course. I wiggled my little fingers and unlocked his handcuffs. And then when we were in the parking lot I did another spell and disabled the car so Slade could escape," I laughed at how ridiculous the truth sounded.

The bad part, nobody else found it funny.

"Now if you all would excuse me I will be in my room stirring my cauldron and making voodoo dolls," I said.

I headed for the stairs.

"If she in fact knows magic she needs to do a spell to adjust that shitty attitude she has all of a sudden," Nona said. "I may not be a witch, but I will knock her right off that broomstick if she keeps this up."

I slammed my door shut. And spun around a bit elated to have showed them all I wouldn't sit by and put up with all their nonsense.

The curtains fluttered drawing my attention. I pulled them back and jumped.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

Slade locked my door and sat down on my bed.

I double checked through the window that nobody saw him come inside. I prayed nobody knew he showed up.

"Not long," he said.

I sat down. "Thank god you're here. I thought you were going to take off without me."

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now