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I yawn, rubbing my eyes. There's a slight stinging in my side but the pain has gone down a ton.

I roll over and my eyes just about fall out of my head when I see Dallas, Dallas Winston, sleeping right next to me.

I bite my lip and examine his sleeping figure. The light of the morning sun is peaking through the curtains and is shining brightly on his face, contrasting his cheekbones, nose, and lips perfectly.

I could almost kiss him, he's so... perfect.

I realize that I've scooted towards him and before I can roll away, his eyes flutter open and his hand lands on the back of my head. He pulls me forward and next thing I know, his lips land on mine and I feel sparks fly throughout my body.

I roll us so I'm fully on top of him and I have my hands on both sides of his face.

"Okay, okay," I breathe out, settling down.

"We- we should go slow. Slow," I say.

He just smirks, "or, we can go over the speed limit."

I laugh, hitting his chest, "that's very funny."

He suddenly rolls us over so he's on top, "who said I was joking?"

I raise an eyebrow and pull him down by his collar. I then start to kiss and bite his neck.

"Trying to obtain dominance, are we?" I whisper into his ear.

He shudders, "Ooh, baby. I could get used to this," he says as he cradles my hips.

"Ooh baby, you're just gonna have to wait till after the dinner," I laugh, pushing him off of me.

He groans, having dramatically fallen off the bed.

"And they call me the drama queen?" I mumble to myself.

"My love, will you help me up?" He asks.

"No can do, I'm injured."

"You little-"

"Perfect angel? That's what you were going to say, right?" I giggle.

He sighs, sitting up, "Yup, that's exactly what I was going to say, how'd you know?"

I chuckle and stand up, wanting to stretch my arms but instead falling immediately to my knees. I grasp my side, barely being able to breathe.

I feel sharp pins throughout my body and specifically in my side, there's a pain that feels like something was ripped.

"Whoa whoa, are you okay? What's wrong?" Dallas comes to my side, trying to ask questions but I grab his hand instead.

"I-" I clench my jaw, squeezing his hand.

"T-the stitches," I take a quick breath in through my teeth and take my other hand off my side. When I look at it, there's blood all over it.

"Shit," he says.

"You have to stand up Two, just lay on the bed, I have to see it," he starts to stand but I tug him back down by his hand.

"I-i c-can't," I whimper, feeling tears slide down my cheeks.

•How was this?•

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