Chapter 3 // The Emperor

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Aiko opened her wet eyes. She stood up, untying her sash, letting it drop down on the futon. She neatly folded her worn kimono and slipped on the crisp, new black one. It was simple, but it was one of the most expensive things Aiko had ever worn in her life. Aiko took her old kimono and placed it next to her pillow, glancing at it one last time.

Aiko rolled her shoulders and clicked her neck, straightening her back. "I have to get out. I need fresh air." Aiko thought to herself. Another silent idea slipped inside her head. A small voice whispered, why don't you run away? Aiko tried to drown it, suffocating it, but it seemed resistant, becoming stronger. Running away didn't seem like such a bad idea. Aiko knew she was being ungrateful to the kind woman who had helped her, and her life would surely be harder than if she stayed in the palace. After a second of hesitation, she made up her mind.

Aiko quietly opened the rice doors, pushing them to the side. She slid out, her hands rummaging behind her back to close the doors silently.

The corridor was plain. The floor was made of simple floorboards and the walls were painted white, not even a small vase to decorate them, but it was the servants' quarters. It was empty, completely deserted.

Lights glimmered behind the closed doors. Shadows moved behind them. The long silhouettes of women and the lean and muscular ones of men: the other servants. Aiko wondered how'd they end up here. Fate? Destiny? Or choice? She shook her head, waving her thoughts away.

Aiko looked to the left and then to the right. Both corridors were identical, curbing abruptly, and heading into the unknown. The woman hesitantly took a step to the left. But something pulled her to the right. Aiko turned around, deciding to go right.

She started to move faster, worried she'd get caught. Aiko knew that if someone asked her where she was going, she would answer saying that she needed a breath of air, but she wasn't sure if that was allowed either. Better not meet anyone altogether.

Aiko's eyes danced around, trying to find any open window or screen door to slip out of.

Aiko started to get lost as she wandered in this maze-like castle. Slowly and subtly, the corridors became decorated more lavishly. The corridors were larger now, with paintings and scrolls hanging on the once bare walls.

As she continued her search, laughter, music, and delicious scents wafted to her nose, flirting with her empty stomach. Aiko scurried towards the origin of all this, drool almost dripping out of her mouth.

The noises came from down the corridor. Aiko approached it, her eyes widening in awe. She was standing in front of two screen doors, painted with exquisite phoenixes. The woman, unable to control her curiosity, peeked inside.

The room was filled with people dressed in rich kimonos, heavy makeup and too much jewelry. Nobles, clearly. Aiko's eyes wandered towards the beautifully lacquered black table decorated with golden swirls as well flowers situated in the center of it. A multitude of plates were on it, some containing dishes Aiko had never seen before. Meat, fish, dripping with glittering sauces, as well as desserts so perfectly decorated, they looked like artworks.

As she felt herself drool, a strong, assertive voice called out to her, "Maid, give me more sake." It was a loud voice. Clear and accustomed to commanding and ordering people around. It didn't leave any place for disobedience. Even if it imposed obedience, it was also exceptionally smooth, like velvet. His voice, even if pleasing to the ears, irritated her, and she decided not to answer. She would leave this place soon. The noble wouldn't be able to do anything to her. Aiko didn't move, and the voice repeated the order, but more harshly. "I. Want. More. Sake. Now." The person followed the sentence with a harsh slap on the table.

The Emperor's Rose Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora